
Search results

  1. Enterprisevpssolutions

    More awful WHMCS coding

    suPHP runs PHP outside of the Apache script as CGI. Unlike CGI however it will run the scripts as a user other than the Apache user (presumably the user that owns the files). In addition, because your PHP is being run as a different user any vulnerability in your site can be restricted to only...
  2. Enterprisevpssolutions

    More awful WHMCS coding

    LOL Always use suphp with modsec to help with the bad programming.
  3. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Tactical VPS 2GB KVM - FL

    I ran this benchmark on the system I received from them Not a bad system just requires hardware raid for better io performance and data security. vnc didn't work from client portal gave a 404 but the node login to access the vps works...
  4. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Your computer uptime?

    root:~# uptime   23:55:04 up 140 days,  3:11,  1 user,  load average: 1.36, 1.22, 1.13   I have had a few linux system go past 400 days uptime. Normally a kernel update or hardware maintenance is the only reason for a reboot for linux. Windows on the other hand depending on the version seems...
  5. Enterprisevpssolutions

    1.5 GB VPS with cPanel   2 CPUS: 2.27GHZ Dedicated Ram: 2048M Secure Storage: 50G IP Address: 1 ipv4 & 1 ipv6 Free VNC console access from client portal:  Unlimited Bandwidth on a rated port: 10M "upgradable"...
  6. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Tactical VPS | KVM in Jacksonville, FL | Just come on and attack!

    What cp are you using for the virtualization platform?
  7. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Require KVM VPS in the US

    Standard Package VPS 2 CPUS: 2.27GHZ Dedicated Ram: 2048M Secure Storage: 50G IP Address: 1 ipv4 Free VNC console access from client portal:  LIMITED TIME ONLY Unlimited Bandwidth on a rated port: 10M "upgradable" $24.95/monthly   vp$b0@rd1$Th3B3$t#1 with promo code $21.21/monthly  ...
  8. Enterprisevpssolutions

    "true cloud" providers

    Onapp is buggy. We have HA for our cloud systems redundancy is the key but its also on how you restore when everything fails that you have to worry about. Clients are always told to keep backups as you can never be too safe.
  9. Enterprisevpssolutions

    DailyServerDeals - New website for VPS and Server offers - Built from the ground up and ready for ac

    Great work guys on the site, some suggestions for the offers I also noticed that in the plan section you do not have and cpu/core amount to add, as vps hosting offers different amount of cpus we would like to see this feature added so we can let clients know how many cpus come with each package...
  10. Enterprisevpssolutions

    hello vpsboard

    Hello and welcome to vpsBoard :popcorn: Great to have you onboard.
  11. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Test your server's upload and download speed

    spun up a quick centos 6.4. Not bad you can also use the server-bear scripts for testing the whole vps system not just network speed.
  12. Enterprisevpssolutions

    [Atlanta, KVM] Limited VPSB Offers! ($4 - 1GB/ $7 - 2GB)

    Kvm allows you to run more then just linux. Shows the full support lists I dont see any of the most recient windows distos in the list but we have 2012 server as well as windows 8 and 8.1 running with no issues as of yet but we are still testing...
  13. Enterprisevpssolutions

    15 vpses (looking)

    1 CPU 2.27GHZ Dedicated Ram: 2048M Secure Storage: 15G 1 ipv4 1 ipv6 Free VNC console access from client portal Unlimited Bandwidth on a rated port: 10M "upgradable"   $7.00 Order link Custom KVM solutions for all clients, secure data storage on our raid 10 storage array. SSD upgradable...
  14. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Hire me for Hosting web design and branding!

    Sent a pm looking forward to seeing some work.
  15. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Recovering data from old desktop drives

    Attempt clonezilla first to clone the drive to either a image that you can load in a virtual drive or to another drive before doing r-studio method as that is a little intensive on the drive platters and can cause the drive to fail further, the freezer method should only be used if you believe...
  16. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Cheap 1GB KVM for learning Linux

    1 CPU 2.27GHZ Dedicated Ram: 2048M Secure Storage: 15G 1 ipv4 1 ipv6 Free VNC console access from client portal Unlimited Bandwidth on a rated port: 10M "upgradable"   $7.00 Order link Custom KVM solutions for all clients, secure data storage on our raid 10 storage array. SSD upgradable...
  17. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Midwest or East Coast VPS

    Grab some resources and build your vm  Enterprise Virtual Cloud RAM [MB]: 1024 Free CPU Cores: 2 $8.00 USD Secured Storage [GB]: 80 $4.00 USD IPV4 Addresses: 1 Free IPV6 Addresses: 1 Free Total Recurring: $31.95 USD Monthly   Use this code vp$b0@rd1$Th3B3$t#1  for 15% off   $27.16 /...
  18. Enterprisevpssolutions

    What is the cheapest I can get a Windows VPS for?

    1 CPU 2.27GHZ Dedicated Ram: 2048M Secure Storage: 15G 1 ipv4 1 ipv6 Free VNC console access from client portal Unlimited Bandwidth on a rated port: 10M "upgradable"   For $7.00 If you want to use your own os image we will upload it for you just give us a link.   or    we have...
  19. Enterprisevpssolutions

    ovz vs kvm profits

    Kvm is better technology in my opinion but openvz still has its purpose. Cost for kvm is more and resources handling is controlled better.