
Search results

  1. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Looking for Colo in the USA has some great options.  Tampa, Florida location
  2. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Cloud storage setup

    Depending on the setup owncloud works great for syncing all your files here is a article that can help you get started 
  3. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Test Our VPS Service

    ip responded, web server is responding as well. DNS is ok site shows php info on http but https doesn't load maybe a SSL issue  :D
  4. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Requesting Cloud VPS

    We offer both cloud and personal cloud systems. Difference is Cloud is on a HA cluster that has other clients on a personal cloud system you have 3 dedicated server 2 hypervisors 1 San with 2 uplinks. Check out the site for more information.
  5. Enterprisevpssolutions

    OnApp Cloud KVM VM's from 6.00/mo

    Sent you a pm about the site.
  6. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Looking for large space vps offshore

    We offer up to 500G for the cloud systems $65.95/monthly What is the site you are hosting?
  7. Enterprisevpssolutions

    My Google Glass edition has arrived! (Pictures)

    Looks cool I will wait for the price to go down a bit and the bugs to get worked out.
  8. Enterprisevpssolutions

    To Phone or not to Phone

    Live chat and tickets is the best as stated by NodeWest-Dan its better for tracking.
  9. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Searching for a screenshot tool

    picpick works great for windows.
  10. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Big RAM VPS - who actually uses them and for what?

    Kvm memory usages is much better than it was years ago. You have the kvm balloon feature with allows you to oversubscribe memory. I have seen some clients use 8G 16G and 32G vps systems both windows and linux. Yes dedicated servers are great but when you virtualize a system and allocate all the...
  11. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Specific VPS request

    We have kvm with ipv6 and ipv4 address that are not in your range. If you want a kvm setup Im sure we could setup a great yearly price for you.
  12. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Happy 2014!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!  A little late  :D back to work
  13. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Looking for some feedback on our new control panel.

    Looks good keep the design simply add the historical data choices for hour, day, month and year. Is the console resizable?
  14. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Merry Christmas Ya'll

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. Hope everyone has a great day today.
  15. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Enterprise Virtual Cloud Starts @ $24.95

    Happy Holidays to all we at Enterprise Vps Solutions wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Were open 24/7/365 no break for us today this promo code H@ppyHol!days is good for 50% off any packages for today only.
  16. Enterprisevpssolutions

    High Volume CPU VPS

    If you still need something let me know we can work something out.
  17. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Virtual private server reosource managment

    What control panel are you using for managing the vps host nodes now?