
Search results

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    Benchmark Script + Nice UI!

    Hi there, I have just spent my last week and coded a nice benchmarking script, which tests your IO, network, gives information about the network, server hardware and more. It was actually my first time to code an app completely with HTML/AJAX as the frontend...
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    Gmail Trick

    Most GMail users don't know about this, your single email account = tens (if not, hundreds) of email addresses. Google redirects all emails to all possible variations of your email address to your main account. For example, if your email address is [email protected], all emails send to the...
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    PayPal New Homepage It feels sooooo much better than the old one, the dashboard still needs a better theme, though. And it appears that each country has it's own homepage video/image.
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    Start a summer host!

    Start your own hosting business in your holidays and earn $400+ Step 1 ($30): Purchase a SolusVM VPS reseller account Step 2 ($10): Buy a .com domain for your business Step 3 (free): Get LET/WHT accounts and a PayPal account Step 4 ($0-$15): Make a website using a template (either free or...
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    Market Research :)

    Hello! We are conducting a market research for dedicated servers interests, mainly targeted at dedis for VPS nodes. Please vote in this poll, you can have multiple choices. We (mostly) will offer the dedicated server that has the highest interest in 3-6 months. Thanks :)
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    Great cloudflare alternative from Google

    Just found this DDoS protection service from Google, looks similar to Cloudflare If I get approved, I'll certainly move my personal website from CF to Google, Google has a much better network than CF :)
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    GVH Terminates Cloud Hosting And Moving Out From Buffalo

    GVH sent out an email to the clients about their crap...   What about buffaloooooooo??? LOL... The same thing will happen to BUF VPS'. Running out of funds??? haha. Full email:   What do you think?? P.S All credits to @Kadar
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    Looking for Colo in the USA

    Hello, We are looking for private rack (at least 40U) colocation offers in the USA (anywhere). The criteria is posted below, please make your offers :)   Criteria: NO ColoCrossing/ Colo@/ Resold Space Carrier Neutral At least 40amps Ability to do BGP for our own IP space Native IPv6 IPMI No...
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    Building a Cloud

    Hello all, I'm planning to build a cloud with some large VPS (or dedi maybe). What type of software is the best? I'm currently looking at OpenStack and CloudStack. Do you know any providers that provide free private networking or VLAN (preferably with inter-datacenter connectivity)? Any...
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    Launching A Cool VPS Business

    Hello, I am trying to launch a VPS business that sells (mainly) plans similar to GVH's $5 plan, same pricing, same disk, but with better E5 CPU and better bandwidth, best of all, it'll not be CC ^_^.  P.S: It might be KVM or Xen as well Any thoughts?
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    Requesting Cloud VPS

    Hello, I'm in need of a cloud based VPS (ie: onapp, openstack, cloudstack or similar). I need at least 4GB RAM, any offers? Net
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    Looking for VPS reseller program with IPv6

    Looking for a VPS reseller program (SolusVM or others) with IPv6 support. I'll need at least 5GB RAM and 100GB disk, the virtualization method will be OpenVZ. Please make your offers including the pricing structure for IPv4 addresses and IPv6 subnets.
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    [WTB] 4-8GB SSD VPS

    4-8GB RAM/ SSD or SSD Cached/ 100GB+ disk / At least 4 cores/ 2TB+ or unlimited BW/ US or UK Suggestions? I'll run cPanel on it so if the provider can offer cPanel licenses for under $13 per month this would be ideal. Budget is up to $30 including cPanel for 4GB, up to $45 including cPanel...
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    SolusVM vs Feathur

    Hi, I'm currently planning to deploy a OpenVZ node and I would like to see opinions about SolusVM and Feathur (a new VPS control panel/ Does anyone have experiences with them, which one is better? Thanks