
Search results

  1. wlanboy

    Distribute task or commands with bash to different workers

    Message bus systems are an easy way to distribute tasks. RabbitMQ is a message broker and there are command line tools too to interact with queues. If you need help to install a RabbitMQ service, To install these tools call: apt-get install amqp-tools The two main methods are...
  2. wlanboy

    Running a terminal multiplexer

    I found a little gem that I am using if I have to do serveral things at the same time on the same server. Like testing my scripts and looking at the logs and at the mongodb client at the same time. The tool is tmux which is a terminal multiplexer. It allows you to split a terminal into smaller...
  3. wlanboy

    Running a RabbitMQ server

    RabbitMQ is a open source message broker software that implements the AMQP protocol (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol). If you are not sure what you might do with a message broker you should read their getting started guide. It is more than just a publish & subscribe pattern that can be...
  4. wlanboy

    The RaspberryPi Tutorials - Electronics IV

    This is the fourth part of my RaspberryPi tutorial series. You can find the first part You can find the second part You can find the third part We now add some additional GPIOs to the Raspberry Pi: The Raspberry Pi does have a limited number of GPIO (General-purpose input/output) pins...
  5. wlanboy

    RaspMap und ArduMap

    Two really cool projects about a detailed map of the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino. Move the mouse over one electronic element and the map popups the name and description: Go to the RaspMap and the ArduMap.
  6. wlanboy

    Running a web based terminal (ssh)

    I was looking for a web based terminal emulator and finally found "Shell In A Box". It is a linux service that is running a webservice that uses JS/CSS to build up a great web based terminal. Installation is easy because it is part of all major repositories: apt-get install openssl...
  7. wlanboy

    The RaspberryPi Tutorials - Electronics III

    This is the second part of my RaspberryPi tutorial series. You can find the first part You can find the second part We now create a sound board: This time we plit the power lines to make the wirering easier. Each button is connected to ground on the buttom side and connected to a line...
  8. wlanboy

    The RaspberryPi Tutorials - Electroincs II

    This is the second part of my RaspberryPi tutorial series. You can find the first part We now add a third LED and a touch button. Full view on board: The third yellow LED is quite simple: Connect the cathode of the LED with the - power line Connect the anode of the LED to a resistor...
  9. wlanboy

    The RaspberryPi Tutorials - Electroincs I

    This is the start of my RaspberryPi tutorial series. I will start with the basic stuff first to ensure that everyone who wants to do electronic projects is able to to it with his RaspberryPi. All of my old electronic projects are based on the ATmega chips but it is much easier to build up a...
  10. wlanboy

    Raspberry Pi + Arduino Project III Some LED animation just for fun :D
  11. wlanboy

    Namecheap dns servers offline?

    Currently all of my namecheap hosted domains are offline. I am not able to resolve anything. Support is quite busy: Anyone knowing what's going on?
  12. wlanboy

    Raspberry Pi + Arduino Project II This is my second Raspberry Pi + Arduino project: A token generator for my two factor authentification service. What it does: Generate 10 random letters per destination Store them in EEPROM Raspberry Pi is reading EEPROM Rapsberry Pi is updating databases to...
  13. wlanboy

    BandwagonHost OpenVZ 128 MB (NL)

    Provider: BandwagonHost Plan: OpenVZ 128mb VPS Price: 5.99$ per year Location: Dronten, NL Purchased: 01/2014 This is one of the reviews that are sponsored by vpsboard. I will update each review every two months and will add notes on what happend during this time. MannDude is funding the...
  14. wlanboy

    Hackers circulate thousands of FTP credentials - big websites hit

    Hackers are circulating credentials for thousands of FTP sites and appear to have compromised file transfer servers at The New York Times and other organizations, according to a security expert. The hackers obtained credentials for more than 7,000 FTP sites and have been circulating the list in...
  15. wlanboy

    First step: Geo database

    After thinking about and coding a I am now building up my own geo database service. The goal - if reachable - would be a selfmade geolocation based service to redirect website calls to a closer server. I want to talk about my first steps and hopefully will get some input about different open...
  16. wlanboy

    Running your own failover DNS setup

    It is easy to run your website on different servers. It is easy to run databases accross different servers. Because virtual servers got quite cheap. But it is not that easy to ensure that your visitors are visiting a server that is still running. You can setup more than one A record but a...
  17. wlanboy

    My Raspberry Pi + Arduino Project So what did I build? My servers <-> Internet <-> Rapsberry Pi <-> Arduino <-> Shiftregister <-> blinking things Cronjob running a Ruby script This script does: Load list of ips and loop through list doing: Ping ip Try to login via ssh (key based) Check if other...
  18. wlanboy

    Ulta low power TI LaunchPad

    I want to point your interest to this little board: The TI MSP-EXP430F5529LP - for $12.99. It is a USB-enabled and USB-powered MSP430F5529 16-bit MCU. – 25-MHz System Clock – 1.8-V to 3.6-V operation – 128KB flash, 8KB RAM – Five timers – Up to four serial interfaces (SPI, UART, I2C) –...
  19. wlanboy

    NTP - the new DDOS amplifier

    We all know about DNS amplification attacks (open relays) but now time servers are used to DDOS hosts too. The Network Time Protocol is used to synchronize computers across the world against centralized servers to within a fraction of a second of coordinated universal time (UTC). It uses the...
  20. wlanboy - how it started

    So this is the short story about - a twitter archive dedicated to vps providers. Twitter and all other social services are banned on work so I needed a remote twitter client. Main reason was about missing campaigns. Yup - I missed some good coupon codes and therefore wanted...