
Search results

  1. wlanboy

    Intel presents new Compute Sticks

    I like the idea to have your basic pc in your poket. The Chromecast showed perfectly how well that HDMI/USB only combo can work. But I need/want a Windows 10 system too. Android is still not able to cope with desktop usage (hey Pixel). So Intel showed two new versions of the Compute...
  2. wlanboy

    Build your own IoT plattform - Arudino with shield as client

    This will be the start of a series of tutorials about IoT, servers, clients and how things can be connected. I want to show how a opensource based IoT plattform that is host-able on any shared-hosting account can be build. So no special services, no Azure, no Google, no Bling-Bling-Newish...
  3. wlanboy

    VirtWire OpenVZ 512MB (Miami)

    Provider: VirtWire  Plan: OpenVZ 512 MB VPS Price: $6 per year Location: Miama, FL Purchased: 09/2015 Hardware information: cat /proc/cpuinfo (1x) processor : 0 vendor_id : GenuineIntel cpu family : 6 model : 60 model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1241 v3 @...
  4. wlanboy

    AHeadCloud goes down the deadpool

    Controlpanel ->  An error occurred processing your request. The host is currently unavailable. Please try again later Clientarea on service level -> DB exception Website -> Loading after minutes...
  5. wlanboy

    WhatsApp banned for 48 hours in Brasil

    Access in Brazil to the WhatsApp phone-messaging application was cut off early on Thursday after a Brazilian judge told local phone companies to block the popular service for 48 hours for failure to comply with a July court order in a criminal case. SindiTelebrasil, a Brazilian phone-company...
  6. wlanboy

    IP leak affecting VPN providers with port forwarding

    We have discovered a vulnerability in a number of providers that allows an attacker to expose the real IP address of a victim. “Port Fail” affects VPN providers that offer port forwarding and have no protection against this specific attack. Perfect Privacy users are protected from this...
  7. wlanboy

    Old Web browser emulation - for your entertainment has a nice feature to both look at web archive and old browsers at the same time. Scary list of browsers you can currently use: My own homepage on a Power Mac 4400 with Netscape 3.04:
  8. wlanboy

    Shockwave even worse than Flash

    I checked what Adobe released with the last patch to find out whether the version of Shockwave that the company released has all Flash wack-o-os fixed. Turns out, it’s still bad behind. The version of Shockwave released bundles the Flash runtime, a version of Flash that Adobe released...
  9. wlanboy

    Windows 10 Core starter kit for Raspberry Pi 2

    In February Microsoft’s Windows 10 IoT Core, a version of Windows 10 for small Internet-of-Things devices  would be available for the device. The release of Windows 10 Core in August was a hype but now it looks like the vendor support is starting. The box contains an SD card with Windows 10...
  10. wlanboy

    Bloodmoon shooting tips Really good tutorial for that special setting.
  11. wlanboy

    Creating an WLAN access point with your Raspberry Pi

    Install required packages: sudo apt-get install hostapd dnsmasqSet static ip to your wlan interface: nano /etc/network/interfacescontent: (check for a single wlan0 entry!) iface wlan0 inet static address netmask a configuration to hostap: nano...
  12. wlanboy

    Questions about SSL Test

    I am using Qualys SSL Labs tests to check my ssl certificates and ssl configuration. Rating looks good but I do have some questions regarding the "open items". Chain issues: Contains anchor Looks like the "AddTrust External CA Root" certificate is "sent by server" and...
  13. wlanboy

    CVPS spams with BlueVM customer list

    I was a BlueVM customer. I told them to delete my account information but CVPS is using it to send spam. Thankfully I am using separate email addresses per hoster and therefore I am quite sure that they used my BlueVM email address. And I am totally sure that I never was a CVPS customer (or...
  14. wlanboy

    AHeadCloud KVM 512MB (NL)

    Provider: AHeadCloud Plan: KVM 512 MB VPS Price: $19 per year Location: NL Purchased: 07/2015 Hardware information: (sysinfo of FreeBSD) Generated by SysInfo v1.0.1 by Daniel Gerzo System information Manufacturer: Red Hat Product Name: KVM Graphic card information: vendor='Cirrus Logic'...
  15. wlanboy

    EU / east coast based Windows VPS

    Hi, a friend of mine is searching for a Windows VPS in EU or on the west coast. Not much needed for a testing machine. He might be able to bring his own license (MSDN). I did not ever searched / followed for windows offers so I kindly ask for recomendations.
  16. wlanboy

    Running an ipv6 only vps behind cloudflare

    Cloudflare changed the dashboard (so the old way on lowendspirit forums does not work any longer).  Now the ipv6 mode is set to the old "Full mode" by default. DNS Settings:[mydomain] And the new ipv6 settings: Including the ipv4 to ipv6 gateway. Both...
  17. wlanboy

    Repairing dead mobile drive

    Today my Freecom mobile drive died. My first thought was that one of the solder points of the mini usb socket broke, but after inspecting it the problem is still not visible. Opened the cover to find a samsung drive: And a PCB on the backside: And there they go - my hope to get access...
  18. wlanboy


    Yesterday a local retrailer sold the A20-OLinuXino-LIME for €20 and I could not resist to get a replacement for my Raspberry Pi. The essentail parts of the package: Allwinner A20 dual core Cortex-A7 processor @1Ghz Allwinner dual-core Mali 400 GPU 512MB DDR3 RAM memory SATA connector with 5V...
  19. wlanboy

    Urthecast - Livestream from the ISS The camera systems to be operated by UrtheCast are part of an international project. The UrtheCast service will allow users to access the two cameras from their homes to examine places or events. One medium resolution and one high resolution camera.  ...
  20. wlanboy

    LastPass Security Notice

    Text of the notice: