
Search results

  1. MannDude

    Debian turns 22!

    As per: Debian turns 22! Whew!
  2. MannDude

    Receiving a refund via BitCoin

    Bit frustrated right now. Long story short I purchased a domain name from where I have several other domain names purchased. Usually I pay with my card or via PayPal but this time I decided I'd use Bitcoin since I had some in my Coinbase wallet and have never used it. I order the...
  3. MannDude

    $46.7 Million Stolen From Networking Firm Ubiquiti in Unidentified Hack

    The full story can be read here: It appears their finance department was specifically targetted and that staff fell victim to phishing attacks in which they gave up account information that...
  4. MannDude

    Crissic has been acquired by Quadranet

    As per:
  5. MannDude

    Minor update to vpsBoard offer submission rules

    As per always, any updates in policy or rules are announced publicly. You can view the updated rule set here and compare it to the old rule set here. Basically, just standardized all the offers / marketplace rules to make it easier to moderate. We're no longer requiring that the datacenter be...
  6. MannDude

    Lost your MySQL root password? Here is how to reset it via SSH.

    I recently needed the MySQL root password on a server of mine to complete a task but had misplaced it and was unable to locate it. Thinking that I had seriously goofed up I was worried. Luckily, resetting the password was surprisingly simple. All you will need is root access to your VM and...
  7. MannDude

    Design flaw in Intel processors opens door to rootkits, researcher says

    From:   Pretty interesting read at the link above. Even re-installing the OS on a machine with an infected chip wouldn't resolve the issue. 
  8. MannDude

    phpMyAdmin vs Adminer?

    Because managing databases via CLI can sometimes be a pain in the ass, at least for some of us (raises hand), what do you prefer to use and why?
  9. MannDude

    Best Linux tool for ripping a DVD?

    Was going through some old spools of CD/DVD-R's and stumbled upon the only copy of a DVD me and some friends made as our final project in our Film Literature class ten years ago in High School. Was talking to a good friend who is featured in it as well and he wants a copy but lives out of town...
  10. MannDude

    How to diagnose issues with WHMCS not marking invoices as paid after payment?

    Bit of a strange problem that has been happening for too long. I run a WHMCS install to keep track of billing and accounting for the advertisers on vpsBoard and for most it works fine, however a couple accounts do not update automatically when invoices are paid. I know who these are and keep...
  11. MannDude

    Any other Hostress customers migrated from Chicago to Buffalo with no notice?

    From: Has anyone heard from @tdale recently or been migrated without notice? Looking at their WHMCS notices I don't see any announcement.
  12. MannDude

    How to: Force SSL sitewide with Nginx

    For those of you who run the Nginx webserver on your VPS and wish to force all visitors to access your site via SSL you can do this quite easily. Before the upgrade to IPB4, vpsBoard still ran site-wide https:// but the conversion was software based and wasn't forced by the web server (even...
  13. MannDude

    What podcasts does everyone here listen to?

    I've usually got music streaming the entire time I am at my desk, however recently have gotten into listening to some news / political podcasts. Curious what everyone here subscribes to and if you have any suggestions for technology or tech-news related podcasts as well. I need some background...
  14. MannDude

    Is the pageload time and general speed of the website better for you after the recent forum upgrade?

    Things seem to be much snappier and faster for me, how about you?
  15. MannDude

    FYI: Planned vpsBoard maintenance will be occuring later this evening.

    To upgrade the forum to IPB4 the site will be unavailable for a couple hours later this evening. You will either see this page or a regular IPB error page during this time. Will be in IRC ( during this time and will update Twitter as well with any relevant...
  16. MannDude

    Seeking Customer Service and/or L1 Support employment

    Unfortunately, due to my previous employer downsizing staff myself and several others were laid off last month. I am now seeking employment in the industry that I love. I have a solid work history and great references both from my most recent employer and other past employment and am seeking...
  17. MannDude

    The 2016 (USA) Presidential Election Thread

    You've got another Clinton, another Bush, and folks like Ted Cruz, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Gary Johnson, etc in the running. This thread is being created for general political discussion since most American media is already plagued with election news as the candidates campaign. I'll be...
  18. MannDude

    Who was your first VPS provider?

    Who was your first VPS provider? Are they still around to this day? I'm not 100% certain but I do believe my first VPS provider was AlienVPS... chosen at the time due to price. Their website appears to be spitting out a DB error at this time so I am not sure if they are still in operation or...
  19. MannDude

    DigitalOcean Migration

    Received this email earlier: The impacted droplet was located in their "New York 1" location. I do like that they allow you to initiate the migration/upgrade manually.
  20. MannDude

    Happy Birthday Martin!

    Hey everyone, it's @MartinD's birthday. Happy birthday Martin, you old son-of-a-gun. Thanks for your help here on vpsBoard.