
Search results

  1. DomainBop

    INIZ Sold

    Iniz has been sold according to a thread on LET and the sale was confirmed by Patrick in a post on that thread. new owner: Zeniva Limited (company formed on October 1st)...
  2. DomainBop

    Xen Security Vulnerability and Amazon is Special

    Major security vulnerability in Xen to be announced October 1st if you're a mere mortal.  Amazon is already privy to the details and the fix and is applying the fix and rebooting the 10% of its cloudcrap thingees that are vulnerable.
  3. DomainBop

    Talk Show Host Starts IP Spoofing Friendly VPS Service In Buffalo

    I'm torn between laughing and a massive facepalm. I found this offer on LET and thought I'd share because every line of the offer, WHOIS, and website is flashing a warning sign. Jerry Springer, hee hee. Fake WHOIS, fake address on site, fake LLC, IP spoofing enabled, lorem ipsum text, blank...
  4. DomainBop

    [US] VPS Provider's Guide to Federal Warranty Law (Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act)

    Just throwing these helpful links out there in case any VPS provider gets the bright idea of guaranteeing their services with a "warranty" so they can familiarize themselves with all the provisions of the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act :) A Businessperson's Guide to Federal Warranty Law...
  5. DomainBop Listed on Spamhaus DBL (Domain Block List)

    The domain name VPSACE.COM is now listed on the Spamhaus DBL (Domain Block List).   VPSAce (whose WHMCS billing database was hacked last year and posted on the Internet) was featured on LEB a few days ago. The owner of this /24 is listed on the Spamhaus DBL. Spamhaus has reason to...
  6. DomainBop

    Dear Provider, I'd be more likely to buy your VPS...

    ...if you listed the Unixbench in the offer description because on those occasions when I need something with a little power, the "2 cores" you have listed in your description doesn't tell me sh!t. "2 cores" could mean I'm getting something with nearly the power of an older i3, or it could mean...
  7. DomainBop

    PayPal Questions Legality of Encrypted Email

    statement: news article:
  8. DomainBop

    Shit Doesn't Always Float...Sometimes It Sinks

    The timeline: May 21st: VPSDatabase/Spetznahost offered for sale on WHT: May 23rd: VPS customers receive a "we're shutting down and it's your fault" message. Verdict: Good riddance.  Humor: owner tries...
  9. DomainBop

    Will the Mothership Land in Buffalo (aka DC's eating their young)

    Data center owner/operator Centrilogic, owner of Dacentec and operator of a datacenter in Buffalo that counts ColoCrossing as one of its customers, is launching a cloud service called Mothership1  (news courtesy of serverian on LET and the WHIR). One of the locations it may launch in is its DC...
  10. DomainBop

    12 US Data Centers Hosting Foreign Government Spyware the original report and list of US data centers:
  11. DomainBop

    Providers: Do You Send An RFO Email If Your Network Has 5 Minutes of Packet Loss?

    Do You Send An RFO Email If Your Network Has 5 Minutes of Packet Loss on Some Routes? How long of a network outage, or packet loss, is required before you send out an RFO. The reason I'm asking is because SeFlow had a short 5 minute packet loss on some international routes (not a total network...
  12. DomainBop

    Xen HVM Optimization Tips Wanted

    TL;DR any optimization tips welcome for Xen-HVM VPS's, particularly for I/O and cpu weight/credit scheduler etc The "node" ---------------- i7-3770, 32GB RAM Debian Wheezy, Xen 4.1.4, xen hypervisor 4.1, xentools 4.3.1, Linux kernel: 3.2 (xen), etc. current configuration...
  13. DomainBop

    NinjaHawk Purchased By One of the Giants* of the VPS Industry

    *thread title is obvious sarcasm...TMZ's owner claimed on WHT earlier this year that they had higher revenues than KnownHost. edited to add: TMZ's locations are Los Angeles and London so everyone in Ninja's's locations in NYC, Dallas, and Tempe can look forward to a migration (this comes...
  14. DomainBop

    Race to the Bottom News: 2GB RAM, 2IPs for $1.67 monthly

    Forget 2GB/$7 monthly, the new standard to beat is 2GB RAM and 2 IP addresses for $1.67 monthly.  Forget annual payments, the new trend is paying up front for 3 years.  Yes, this is in reference to the LEB Cyber Monday special. Comments? (suggested comments: is this profitable? is someone...
  15. DomainBop

    ProvisionHost Sold, New Owners Won't Honor Paid For $48 Annual Plans

    Email sent out by ProvisionHost's new owners today to customers who purchased their $48 annual plans from an LET offer in July .  Customers who paid for an annual $48 plan in July are now being told that starting December 1st they will have to pay an additional $24.95 monthly. The LET offer and...