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  1. V

    50GB of CDN Transfer for 2.50 Say it aint So!

    China, New Zealand, Austrailia are going to be a Tier 2 due to costs being over .10gb I have not setup that completely yet, but if they get below the .10/gb threshold they will be placed into Tier 1 which is pretty much everywhere else. Some of the physical CDN nodes we own are part of the...
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    Stripe UK Launch + Multi-Currency Support!

    Yes that's a nice benefits package for sure. I like the paternity leave part best.  Wife gets 3 months off :/ I get whatever I have banked at the time.
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    50GB of CDN Transfer for 2.50 Say it aint So!

    That list is not a list of our pops, but a list of CA's testing sites and the times to those pops that are resolving near it. Most of the higher ones I see are from hosts where they recently raised prices mainly China, Australia, New Zealand and were waiting to see if they drop them back to...
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    50GB of CDN Transfer for 2.50 Say it aint So!

    Ping to: Checkpoint Result min. rtt avg. rtt max. rtt IP Florida, U.S.A. (usfoa01): Okay 1.0 1.3 2.6 Sydney, Australia (ausyd01): Okay 196.1 200.0 203.1 New York, U.S.A. (usnyc01): Okay 4.8 4.8 4.9 Stockholm...
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    50GB of CDN Transfer for 2.50 Say it aint So!

    Okay it's fixing itself now sorry for that guys.  Found a good site to test this stuff. I'm already seeing improvement just waiting on DNS to expire at other locations.
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    50GB of CDN Transfer for 2.50 Say it aint So!

    Yeah I need to update some pool settings on my account side.  Thanks for the lookups though did you do it through a bunch of VPS's you had?
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    Dedicated server for 3 €

    It's called price dumping and it's illegal, but someone has to file a complaint with congress and pray/bribe so they do something. However it's sold out, probably just a gimmick deal to grab attention.
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    ARIN Phase III has started

    Cell phone companies are already changing mobiles to NAT since ARIN wont give any of them more ip's.  There is a march towards IPv6 at all of them.
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    Which OS will you support

    Give it all to Tim Cook on the condition he makes MacOS available on standard hardware.  If he did this a year ago he would be dancing on MicroSoft's grave.
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    Incerno giving away free IPv4?

    If you get free IP's from your provider and then want ARIN IP's guess what you have to reallocate out of...  Get as few as possible to get your own allocations to save yourselves headaches.  I had a /22 before I got my first ARIN /22 and that was a major headache getting out from underneath all...
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    Testing BBS software on my vps

    Ran a FIDONet hub at 14, Helped run a dialup ISP at 17. That looks like powerboard or powerbbs,  I used to run it, and Maximus with a Gecho echo mail front end etc. Stupid cops in town ran a satellite feed for FIDONet for profit, and a friend in the next town over where haliburton was based...
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    50GB of CDN Transfer for 2.50 Say it aint So!
  13. V

    50GB of CDN Transfer for 2.50 Say it aint So!

    Seems to be GeoIP and the other question yes it's OnApp CDN, HTTP PUSH or PULL. sv01 let me see if I can get a 1meg jpeg to cache.
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    Front Range Hosting, Denver/Atlanta OpenVZ, Denver KVM VPS's from 1.50/mo

    Front Range Hosting offers powerful, fast SSD Accelerated OpenVZ & KVM VPS Solutions. Using the latest Intel E5 Series Processors Coupled with LSI CacheCade SSD Caching Technology.  We have some of the fastest VPS out there! Celebrating our 2nd year in business we have some great offers...
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    Why would a YUM repository block an IP address ?

    Turn off IPv6 and try again. 
  16. V

    50GB of CDN Transfer for 2.50 Say it aint So!

    melbourne, Australia perth, Australia sydney, Australia auckland, New Zealand seoul, South Korea cyberjaya, Malaysia moscow, Russia taipei, Taiwan singapore, Singapore ankara, Turkey ankara, Turkey kuala lumpur, Malaysia bangkok, Thailand shakhtinsk, Kazakhstan vaxjo, Sweden sheffield, United...
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    RamNode changes backup policy for CVZ-E5, CKVM-E5 Plans

    With OpenVZ the best solution is a CDP style backup through Idera, Vembu, or Bacula4Hosts.  Once the initial backup happens then the rest are just the changed bits which happens a lot quicker.  Best solution is one with dedup as well so all those OS copies dont take up too much space.
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    [Industry Question] How Do You Pay Support Staff?

    If you pay per ticket it's likely they will skim up all the easy tickets to make money and rarely touch hard tickets. FWIW it's no secret that many hosts outsource, WebbyCart, WebHostRepo (Supposed to mean repository lol), and many others exist in this space and do a pretty good job with the...
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    Yet Another SolusVM Alternative: VPSM

    Is this a necro'd post or what, and probably the first part of the guy's name Dime aka Dimebag should of been a warning maybe.  Probably just funded some guys pot habit lol.