
Search results

  1. V

    Your motd screens

    A little loud for my taste I just prefer the standard "GET OFF MY LAWN" style MOTD's. However keep in mind if your MOTD's first word is "Welcome" good luck taking anyone who got caught hacking your server to court.
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    Yet Another SolusVM Alternative: VPSM

    Will be interesting to see which solution comes out on top, but you can always make money off it by offering support in the form of installation help, troubleshooting, and features added.
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    50GB of CDN Transfer for 2.50 Say it aint So!

    Front Range Hosting is looking for people wanting a global CDN with better pricing than Akamai, Rack Space, or Amazon AWS. Using Code YNCN7YA8G you can get 50GB of CDN transfer for half off our normal prices.  That's right 5 cents per GB of transfer.  Period, no request fees or anything just...
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    How to gauge the quality of a provider's network

    Networks are constantly changing and evolving some hosts allow equal outbound policy while inbound policy is set to the cheapest network link (great for absorbing DDOS without getting huge bills) some allow equal inbound policy.  Many adjust policy as necessary, mainly outbound path selection...
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    Securing DNS Lookups via Encrypted DNS - DNSCrypt

    You're assuming that this company has not forked over the master keys to the NSA already right?
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    Looking for Xen or KVM 2-4GB with Cpanel, 2 IPs

    RAM: 2GB Disk: 120GB (SSD Cached) Transfer: 4TB CPU:4 IP:1 IPv6:2 20.00 + 15.99 cPanel.  10% off if you use code FRH10, and additional 10% off if you pay in quarterly or longer installments. 32.19/mo(96.57quarter) all in if you pay quarterly.
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    Best Redundancy

    Expecting a meteor to strike?
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    Is IPMI important for a Dedi?

    IPMI is best, but with it you have to maintain a VPN network or expose them publically to the customer.  Little overhead at first, but less requests on the back end.
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    why manually approving reverse dns is a good idea

    RDNS does not stop them, I had one guy send 50gb of spam early in the AM and caused me much grief and complaints that had to be dealt with.
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    Best remote server monitoring solution?

    Cacti + Plugins can do what you want.
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    BREACH Compression Attack Steals HTTPS Secrets in Under 30 Seconds

    If someone has access to your internet connection in that fashion you're screwed anyways.
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    ARIN Phase III has started

    That's interesting that last IP request took so long I had to use some of my cogent blocks that were idle and was expecting to have to hand back to Cogent and I was not asked to do it.
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    Live chat

    We have had live sales chat for a few months just added support chat too.
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    ARIN Phase III has started

    Officially crossed the threshold of 2 /8's being left. Announcement Below ARIN now has 2 /8s of available space in its inventory and has moved into Phase Three of its IPv4 Countdown Plan. This phase was designated to allow for process refinements identified during Phase Two.  Based on...
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    Front Range Hosting, Denver/Atlanta OpenVZ, Denver OnApp Cloud 3.0 is a different service and has higher costs.  The idea is to eventually let it handle KVM customers on standalone nodes IE no HA features, but awesome UI and iPhone APP.  When I get additional hardware that will allow me to do this I'll see about doing it.  I'll probably draw the line...
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    Front Range Hosting, Denver/Atlanta OpenVZ, Denver OnApp Cloud 3.0

    @Corporal Clegg sure not a set date on it as of now.
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    List of reliable sub 20$ per year providers

    Add Front Range Hosting to the list 128MB RAM 128MV vSwap 5GB Disk 256GB Xfer 19.44/yr with FRH10 for 10% off and an additional 10% off for paying yearly.
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    Front Range Hosting, Denver/Atlanta OpenVZ, Denver OnApp Cloud 3.0

    Front Range Hosting - A Colorado LLC is pleased to offer the following plans.  All our plans come with support via Live Chat for small issues, anything else that takes time will have a ticket created. List of our services. OpenVZ Plans - Denver(Colorado Springs) and Atlanta. SolusVM Atlanta...
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    Any mobile apps for managing your VPS?

    Probably monitis and their iPhone app would do this.