
Search results

  1. MannDude

    Using my Raspberry Pi as an acess point?

    I've got several net-connected devices in my house, all but one running Linux and lately I've been thinking I should do something with my Raspberry Pi that is sitting idle on a shelf right now. Was wondering if anyone here was using theres as a local internet connected access point? (Apologies...
  2. MannDude

    Cheapest source of a WHMCS license?

    Currently using BoxBilling for the advertising customers, and well, it stinks. I didn't want to pay for a WHMCS license initially, as there are only 20 'customers' at any given time (only 20 available slots) but I'd rather pay for the license than deal with the headache or BoxBilling issues and...
  3. MannDude

    LunaNode being booted from SingleHop

    That's too bad. I like SingleHop and it's nice having a solid Chicago alternative to the rest.
  4. MannDude

    What are your favorite VPS related websites?

    Figured it'd be nice to compile a list of all things VPS related and things that'd be relevant to the interest of those with VPSes (System admin blogs, Linux news stuff, etc). Please respond with additional links and I'll add them to this post. :) I'll start: - For VPS and...
  5. MannDude

    Louisville, Kentucky VPS?

    Anyone offering services out of here? I'm a stone throw away from Louisville, would be cool to have a VPS there.
  6. MannDude

    Stressed out? Watch this.
  7. MannDude

    Lottery is up to $550,000,000... what would you do if you won?

    Just got a couple tickets for tomorrow's drawing. The odds of winning are astronomically small, but it's fun to imagine how a ton of cash can change your life. Imagine you won, what would you do? If I win? I'm giving the site away to one of you all and I'm disappearing. Thinking maybe I'll get...
  8. MannDude

    If you weren't working in this industry, what would you rather be doing?

    Just curious what others would be doing if the industry did not exist, or if you had a shot at doing something else. Me? I'd rather be outside doing actual physical labor. I miss working on an orchard and would love to run a greenhouse or operate a farm. So, if you weren't doing what you are...
  9. MannDude

    Windows users

    I recently got a Windows desktop from a friend, and want to use it as a media / gaming PC. I've not used Windows in years, and I've found Win7 to be extremely frustrating so far however am beginning to cope. Was curious what tools and programs are available that I should look into? Whats a good...
  10. MannDude

    VolumeDrive's court filiings.

    Was just posted in IRC, so I figured I'd share here for those of you who don't lurk #vpsBoard on Freenode. Relevant thread from the past:
  11. MannDude

    vpsBoard community gameserver...

    Before we start, I'm not much of a gamer. I play Minecraft and Open Arena from time to time, but I log probably less than 5 hours a month. Was wondering if there would be any interest in a vpsBoard community gameserver, so we can shoot each other or build stuff, or... whatever together. :) What...
  12. MannDude

    Best Linux OS for desktop use?

    Been running Linux for years. Everything from e-live Linux, PCLinuxOS, Mandriva, Ubuntu, Mint, etc. Currently rocking Crunchbang and quite the fan of it, but recently acquired a new (used) computer from a friend that came with a fresh install of Windows 7. I thought I'd give it a try, might be...
  13. MannDude

    POLL: SSL for vpsBoard. Optional or forced site-wide?

    As per this thread: I ordered one, just waiting for the validation email and time to set aside to install.
  14. MannDude

    What did you buy for Black Friday?

    For those of you who risked your lives in the stores today, what did you buy today? What about great online deals? Me? I left my house for 20 minutes earlier to get a donut. I don't think that counts. :)
  15. MannDude

    How did they get it so wrong?

    For those of us in the USA, they're trying to force us into buying health-care some of us don't want. Comically enough, after $500,000,000 (Yes, 500 million) dollars spent, the website simply doesn't work. It's all I've heard on the news for the past several weeks. People can not sign up, and if...
  16. MannDude

    Best softphone for Linux?

    What do you guys recommend from this list: Anything else I should look into? Debian based desktop
  17. MannDude

    Black Friday and Cyber Monday predicitions.

    Probably can't legally make 'bets' on here for offers we suspect to see, but I'm calling this out now. Somewhere between the timeframe of Black Friday and Cyber Monday we will see a 10GB RAM VPS, OpenVZ (of course), likely being offered from Buffalo. I do not doubt we will see 6-8GB RAM VPSes...
  18. MannDude

    Understanding IP Block allocation

    This is cross posted from WHT with permission from the original poster there. While most of us likely know or look it up in a pinch, I thought it'd be nice to have here for reference too. When you read someone say, "I need a server with a /XX block of IPs" or talking about a provider acquiring a...
  19. MannDude

    SecureDragon to discontinue VPN service.

    Just got this email from SecureDragon earlier: I had forgotten I had a SecureDragon VPN to be honest, but I see that 2 minutes after this email was sent to me I got refunded $9 from a past payment. What was the issue with the VPN software? I also use VPN.SH, and am wondering if they use the...
  20. MannDude

    Anyone have an LG Smart-TV? Possibly privacy concern. LG Smart TVs logging USB filenames and viewing

    Good read. Kind of creepy that even with the feature disabled, your viewing data is still sent in plain text.