
Search results

  1. MannDude

    Who are your favorite higher-end providers?

    What are some of your favorite high end providers? Been trying to move away from the lowend side of things, and have been testing out some mid-range to higher end providers who are in facilities and on networks that aren't' as common in the lowend. So far I have/am testing WiredTree and...
  2. MannDude

    CVPS buys UGVPS

    Only difference is it is "official" now... Read this () to learn about the shady details leading up to this 'acquisition'. Src: I'm an UGVPS customer and haven't gotten the email yet :(
  3. MannDude

    Anyone in Colorado?

    So now that pot is legal there, what's it like? I feel like everyone would stoned all the time. From the coffee shop employees (that were probably high anyway) to the dude checking my bags at the airport. Was joking around earlier with restaurant / bar ideas to start in CO. Dispensary + bar =...
  4. MannDude

    Twitter campaigns

    Anyone here having any success with them? I just started an ad-campaign for vpsBoard on Twitter and so far the results are so-so. Namely, I wanted to have promoted tweets and URLs that display to those who follow other accounts on Twitter in an effort to attract some new followers to @vpsBoard...
  5. MannDude

    DDoS Filtering: CNServers VS Staminus VS BlackLotus VS CloudFlare

    I suppose not all of these are directly comparable, as the last two are generally more expensive options than the first two, though price doesn't mean they're better or worse. As most of you know, the traffic here is filtered via CNServers. It does it's job well the vast majority of the time...
  6. MannDude

    Do you accept Bitcoins as a payment method? Why? Why not? (Plus other questions)

    Curious who here accepts payments via Bitcoins for web hosting clients and how that's going for you. I think there might be a little reluctance from some to do business with someone paying via Bitcoin initially, and was wondering how the clients who pay with it are in terms of their quality...
  7. MannDude

    Load different content based on Geolocation?

    Working on a little local project, local as in at the state level. What I would like to do is basically have two websites. One with content that is displayed to people connecting with a Indiana, USA IP address. The other site/content will display to those connecting from anywhere else in the...
  8. MannDude

    East Coast USA VPS/Dedicated provider with premium network?

    Looking for a non-lowend East Coast USA VPS or Dedicated provider that has an above average network mix. No real requirements on pricing or features, just trying to see what is out there. Only real requirement is non-CC and preferably a non-lowend provider. So seeking recommendations based on...
  9. MannDude

    Do you guys use FraudRecord or similar blacklists?

    Was curious if people here use FraudRecord to deny incoming orders from customers with a history or if you report your trouble customers. I love the idea in the theory but I'm sure it could be easily abused by hosts too. Is that project still going strong?
  10. MannDude

    Update to vpsBoard's rules and guidelines.

    Due to a current dispute regarding the vagueness of the community guidelines, they have been reviewed and modified. The updated version is now easier to follow and understand. You can see a screen shot of the previous community guidelines here: The...
  11. MannDude

    Hi powered wireless?

    Looking for a high powered wireless network adapter. In short, I have a family member who has a house about a block away from me. We want to be able to share files with each other as needed, even if kind of slow, and have a project to work on as we have some random servers between us. Raspberry...
  12. MannDude

    Which companies need reviews?

    I was approached with an idea by a community member and I thought it was a great! In short, I'll be funding 3 - 6 months worth of service from several companies so that he can write detailed and unbiased reviews. I thought this would be a great opportunity to have some of the lesser known hosts...
  13. MannDude

    Free cPanel reference posters. (24"X36")

    Today I discovered cPanel will send you free posters to use as reference when dealing with, handling clients with cPanel installed. It's a great alternative to their gaudy 35MB single page PDFs that kill my every document viewer I have on my Linux desktop. Get them...
  14. MannDude

    Looking for an ad-designer for simple ads.

    Looking for a simple vpsBoard and DailyServerDeals 125X125 ad to be made. Time to start putting our ads on other people's websites. I wonder if LE* will sell me ad-space? Ha. I'm not looking for anything super duper elaborate. No idea what rates are or should be for something like this. PM me*...
  15. MannDude

    What tools are available to monitor for abuse?

    Seems like service abuse is a reality of any segment of the industry. Doesn't matter if it's a $7/mo 'low end' VPS or a high dollar VPS, companies always experience customers who either outright abuse the service or have outgrown what a standard VPS can realistically offer them. What are you...
  16. MannDude

    This is a new forum!

    As per the votes here: I have added this forum. Please feel free to kick things off by posting some threads and helping out when questions arise here. I may move some older threads to this forum that are relevant to help populate it. Enjoy!
  17. MannDude

    Low RAM, high storage KVM? Central USA?

    Looking for a low RAM (128MB or less) high storage KVM server, preferably located in the central USA (Chicago, Kansas City, Dallas). Storage needs to be atleast 100GB, the more the merrier. Budget? $10/mo~ or $30/quarter. Whatcha got?
  18. MannDude

    In case you're wondering where your avatar went...

    ...I've disabled Gravatars as per the request of some of the more security/privacy focused/paranoid members here :) You can still upload your avatar as you normally would.
  19. MannDude

    New vpsBoard theme

    As part of some of the new weekend updates, I've added a new theme to vpsBoard. Please scroll down to the footer of the website and locate, "Change Theme". Check out "vpsBoard New" and let me know what you think. Alternatively, screenshots are here: And: If everyone likes it, I may force...
  20. MannDude

    Locking down WHMCS?

    Best practices? I just recently installed WHMCS to migrate advertisers away from BoxBilling. Aside from doing normal server-side stuff that I do on all boxes, any tips in particular for WHMCS? How do you stay secure in a sea of bored teenagers trying to exploit you?