
Search results

  1. MannDude

    Best performance tips when resource constraints are not an issue?

    I know a lot of us here run websites on servers or VPSes that are limited in their resources, and we must make adjustments and tweaks to ensure things run well within those limits. The forum for vpsBoard actually runs quite comfortably within 512MB of RAM, utilizing roughly 150-200MB~ which...
  2. MannDude

    WikiLeaks releases the secret negotiated draft text for the entire TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) I

    Woke up this morning, laying in bed was browsing Reddit on my phone and stumble upon this article (now removed) on /r/WorldNews. Like you, I've not got time to read through 90 pages of legal jargon so some folks were kind enough to share their interpretation: Lets...
  3. MannDude

    Quiting smoking.

    So, November 4th was my last cigarette. Want advice on quiting? Just don't smoke. I ran out of cigerettes. It was cold, the gas station was closed (only place that sells them downtown where I live). So I didn't have any. The next day, for whatever reason, I didn't go out and buy more. At that...
  4. MannDude

    Anyone using vestaCP? vestaCP review?

    I just installed it, and I know a couple others have too. So far, it's looking pretty nice. Curious if anyone has used it for longer than the 15 minutes I've had it installed. I believe jarland has played with it. Anyone else? Check it out. Nice to see something different...
  5. MannDude

    How To: Guide on submitting a Daily Server Deals offer.

    I thought it'd be a good idea on writing a detailed guide on how exactly to submit a Daily Server Deals offer. The website automatically publishes a new offer each day at noon (EST // GMT -5) based on the next offer in queue. The offers are listed in the order they're received, which we believe...
  6. MannDude

    Which do you prefer: A fast support response or a detailed response with support?

    One thing I always appreciated was detailed support responses that let me know that the support tech actually took time to read my question and address it properly. Not a canned response, but a unique response to my particular question with details of what the issue was, and how it was resolved...
  7. MannDude

    VPS provider with cheap cPanel licenses?

    Who are the providers who offer cPanel licenses at a lower-than-usual cost? Not looking for any specific specs, just trying to see what options are available for cheap cPanel licenses. :)
  8. MannDude

    RFO - Wednesday, November 4th

    Earlier today the MySQL server that is hosted with BuyVM went down for scheduled node maintenance. Their maintenance window was roughly around an hour. However upon coming back to life, the server remained unreachable. Total downtime of the MySQL server was roughly around 2 hours, 40 minutes...
  9. MannDude

    Best email app for Android?

    I use whatever the stock app is now, it sucks. I'm setting up a new email account for urgent emails. These are notifications about invoices I've got due, monitoring up/down time alerts, etc. It's very important that I actually get notified via an audible sound upon arrival of any new email to...
  10. MannDude

    List of community links.

    Hey everyone! I wanted to make and share a list of off-site vpsBoard URLs. I'll add onto this list as needed. :) vpsBoard projects and links: - As most of you are likely aware from threads like this one and this we've started a new project, 'Daily Server Deals'. The site...
  11. MannDude

    Another day, another WHMCS exploit.

    This was posted in IRC about 5 hours ago, I figured someone would have posted it here but I didn't see anything:   I guess WHMCS exploits aren't news worthy anymore.   Anyhow, be safe out there y'all. It's a wild...
  12. MannDude

    KnightSwarm: 25 hours of live stream gaming for charity.

    Hey everyone, I wanted to take a moment to share a neat thing that KnightSwarm is doing. Since 8PM (EST) they've been partaking in a 25 hour long gaming marathon to help raise money for the Children's Miracle Network Hospital. It's been six hours and I see they're still going strong. The goal...
  13. MannDude

    LeaseWeb compromised?

    Source: Did anyone else get this? Keep us updated with their communication.
  14. MannDude

    BitCoins for dummies. How to get started with them?

    Yeah, I know there are tons of resources available to explain this to me... but not on vpsBoard! I just want to own BitCoins, buy them, sell them, and purchase things with them. Imagine I know nothing and just discovered them today (not true, but lets dumb this down as much as possible). How...
  15. MannDude

    Anyone hiring L1 support staff?

    Hi there, I didn't want to post this here, but figured it was worth a shot. Is anyone here hiring, or know of anyone hiring L1 support staff? I -can- do some L2 stuff, though I am not nearly as comfortable doing this for customers as I am just performing basic tasks for them quickly. I'm...
  16. MannDude

    Some great domains for sale. Cheap!

    The following domains are registered via NameCheap and can be pushed to another NameCheap member account quickly and with ease: Created: Sun 12/16/2012 Expires: Mon 12/16/2013 Price: $25 Created: Fri 01/18/2013 Expires: Sat 01/18/2014 Price: $25...
  17. MannDude

    ChicagoVPS global password reset? Hacked again?

    Following a lead in IRC, I browse over to LET and see this thread: Anyone else get this? Curious if it was 'precautionary' or if they were victim of the new WHMCS exploit? EDIT: Actually, it sounds like they were indeed...
  18. MannDude

    New WHMCS exploit (10-18-2013)

    Not going to post the link to the exploit, but it can be found easily. May want to pull your WHMCS installs offline. Looks like it can dump admin and member data. Thought it was already posted here but looks like it's in the private provider forum so sharing here too.
  19. MannDude

    The pets thread

    If you've got pets, share photos! I've got two cats, though want to get a small-medium dog. (Don't have a huge yard) I just untacked my curtains from the wall so the cats are now getting in the window again. They tear the blinds up so I don't usually let them up there. The little one is a...
  20. MannDude

    Tools for publishing to Twitter on a schedule?

    Curious if any tool like this exists. There is a vpsBoard Twitter account (@vpsBoard) that I manage that I link to noteworthy discussions, but lately have been lacking. Was wondering if there was a tool available that I could use to publish to Twitter, but also have the option of doing so in...