
Search results

  1. MannDude

    Which domain do you like better?

    For a Service Offers Listing website, which do you prefer: or The first is good, but unsure if it'll just feature VPS deals or not. I like as things will be published on a consistent schedule so every day 1 or 2 offers will be...
  2. MannDude

    Staying healthy in this industry

    Let's face it. This is an industry where most of us sit on our ass for long hours at a time. No 'real' physical activity (unless you're racking servers, I guess.) and just staring at a bright screen for hours on end. I've been getting in the habit of stretching every few hours and going for a 2...
  3. MannDude

    Best Python WebFramework for a Python newb?

    I've got a little (and I mean little) Python knowledge, though would like to expand on it. I'm feeling inspired by Novacha's work on here to get back into it. What are some decent frameworks I should be looking at? Flask? Bottle? Web2Py? Django? What would be a good starting point for...
  4. MannDude

    The $17,000 Linux powered rifle. What other unique cases of Linux are out there?

    Sort of old news if you follow these type of things, but while browsing a firearms community for my locale this morning the topic came back up. I wasn't aware previously that it was ran by Linux, therefore I am posting it here...
  5. MannDude

    Anyone else use IRCCloud?

    I've been using IRCCloud now for a few months, curious if anyone else here uses it and/or wants an invite. It's a browser-based IRC client, that also keeps you logged in even when you're away and keeps an ongoing log of conversation when you're not there. Started using it initially for keyword...
  6. MannDude

    Mandrill - Anyone using it?

    So, I just started using Mandril as of an hour or two ago. Figured I'd give it a go considering some folk have mentioned that expected emails from vpsboard have not arrived to their inbox or spam folder. So now hopefully email delivery will be much more consistent. For those of you who have...
  7. MannDude

    NYPD have been stopping people and asking them to upgrade to iOS7

    Reading some random news and came across this. Figured you folk may find this interesting. SRC: SRC...
  8. MannDude

    Recovering data from old desktop drives

    I've had a few hard-drive failures in my life. However haven't spent much time trying to recover them, and never re-used the drive or re-formated them. I've still got them, in a box. Whats the best tools available to attempt to recover the data? At home I have a Linux box with 5 hard-drive...
  9. MannDude

    Best EDIS location for privacy laws?

    Looking at EDIS KVM line, so many locations to choose from! I'm looking at setting up a non-US mailserver for personal use, to replace my reliance on Gmail in a country that is known for being good for these things. Any recommendations? Generally speaking emails just consist of invoice...
  10. MannDude

    256MB Chicago KVM, non-CC.

    Any idea? Looking for a Chicago based, preferably non-CC (Because thats a dime a dozen location, want something different) KVM provider. I don't need much RAM or Disk, but maybe 50-100GB MAX of BW. Probably won't use most of it but will be nice to have the option to one month if I need to...
  11. MannDude

    DDoS protection for IPv6?

    Is this a thing? Are people offering this? Are there even DDoS attacks being sent via IPv6 anyway? Just occurred to me that I utilize three different providers that each offer some affordable DDoS protection. Each provider also offers IPv6, but my filtered IPs are of course IPv4. I don't use...
  12. MannDude

    What do you use your Windows VPS for?

    I've not ran Windows for many years at home, but I see request for Windows VPS from time to time. I've also had to deal with Windows related server issues in the past for a job when I knew nothing about them at all. So, with that said, what do you use your Windows VPS for? I'm looking for ideas...
  13. MannDude

    The great gun debate thread.

    After a good discussion in IRC I figured I'd bring this over to the forum. We've got a culturally diverse member-base here so it's always interesting to get differing views on topics and ideas that are unknown or foreign to some people elsewhere. As an NRA member, gun owner, and semi-active...
  14. MannDude

    Look what I found in the wild today!

    Going for a stroll to the grocery store, and BAM! Whats up Google?
  15. MannDude

    What projects are you working on now?

    Just curious what sort of current projects everyone here is working on. I've got a few 'learning projects' in development, relatively simple things but fun and useful at the same time. Currently have a little bash-script that's pretty straight forward for creating backups every 2 hours on...
  16. MannDude

    DotDeb Nginx version with Debian 7 and php5-fpm. 502 Error.

    Sigh. Well, I get to look like an idiot, but after an hour or so of Googling with no luck what-so-ever to get this resolved, I come to you. First time really messing with the dot-deb version of Nginx, so maybe it's a bit more updated. Anyhow, my install procedure is documented below. I'll also...
  17. MannDude

    This is a new forum!

    In case you're new here, or are an existing member who may think you're going crazy by not noticing this forum in the past, it's new! Was created today, September 15th. Help us get things started right in here by asking your coding related questions in here. We've got some very talented members...
  18. MannDude

    Good resources for learning PHP?

    My PHP skillset is heavily lacking. What's a good modern resource for producing clean and standard code?
  19. MannDude

    POLL: New forum ideas.

    Some people have suggested new ideas for additional forums. I'm open to the idea of expanding a bit more, but as this place is vpsBoard, I don't wish to expand too far from things we all hold as common interests. With that said, happy voting! Can vote for more than one idea or suggest another in...
  20. MannDude

    Did you know a 3rd world trade center tower fell on 9/11?

    I always just assumed it was common knowledge, though I don't see really any mention of it when reading articles today about the anniversary of 9/11. It's saddening that it's not getting the attention it should. A third trade center tower, building 7, was not hit by a plane. Supposedly office...