My issue at this point with Dacentec isn't that problems happen, it is that these are manageable problems. Power failures were completely avoidable and more than one is unforgivable.
The DDoS stuff, where is the management / ownership at when they went neck deep into LowEndTalk and went hardcore selling the floor there? Did they just pump ads and run or what? Failed to know the marketplace, understand what it attracts, etc.? Perhaps, but irresponsible if so.
I found Dacentec prior to them being bought out, not via LowEnd.... been there for years, heck likely a very very early customer. I've left multiple times due to similar fubars there. You know, come back because network reblended, new ownership, etc. Meh. Last freaking waste of my time.
Feels to me that the place is being ran to maximize profit without regard for the service stability, network quality, etc. This is ownership leading the show issues. Time for perhaps core infrastructure upgrade, time for some process or equipment for mitigating packet therapy.
I've always avoided Dacentec (and providers who list Lenoir as a location) due to their combination of crap network and antiquated hardware.
Canada: Netelligent in Montreal offers affordable colo.
US: several excellent providers in NYC/NJ area but $$$$. Atlanta or Dallas is probably your best bet if you want cheap east/central US colo.
Dacentec problem is management of the network. Reminds me of another former discount DC in the Carolinas that was far more hands on with network but cut corners and lacked knowledge to ever make it stable. Being a lot of backhaul to say ATLanta usually, I'd rather pick another state if not being in ATL proper. Carolinas = meh for this stuff and it's been a chunk of a decade down there with me waiting and watching.
Netelligent long has been on my radar. They had some price upticks and I think they had at last glance a 1A power window which was meh. But their network last check and prior checks was freaking awesome. Everything in that Toronto-Montreal-TORIX zone is pretty darn nice. Just tend to get crappy routes from my upstream to there...
Antiquated hardware --- maybe for some

I'll take 54xx's and onward all day long. I use this gear internally and in DCs... still does fine. If the price is right, the RTO makes math sense.. that's how I roll with this. I hate doing colo builds. I hate shipping gear (no shipping co here by me and quite a damn chore to get things built, boxed, taken to shipping, etc.)... and I am a stickler about it cause I've had multiple units trashed in shipping over the years.
A few miles south: DatabaseByDesign in Philadelphia
WHT 1U offer
in terms of reliability: they had a short outage today, thread on WHT, SLA 99.965% network/1 day credit for each 15 minutes of downtime, 99.9% infrastructure SLA/1 day credit for each 45 minutes of downtime)
DatabaseByDesign has always been a fairly good company. Thanks for the reminder about them. Hadn't shopped WHT yet... Glad their prices have come down to earth on things... they were high performance beefy box focus for a long while. Time to pull their network and see how it performs currently from here.