Aldryic C'boas
The Pony
The low end market is massive.
I love the logical disconnect. You seriously think that LET represents even a fraction of a market that existed long before Biloh started using his daddy's chequebook to launch his schemes?We're larger than what most people think that we are. When I say that we are one of LET's largest and most popular providers, I really do mean it.
You can have 50 nodes and be one of the largest providers there. Popularity is easily purchased for blowjobs and ridiculous coupons. News flash: LET is a very small pond, and it holds no big fish. You forget, you're trying to make the "rapid expansion/lots of sales" claim to a company with a reputation for selling 300-500 VMs from a batch of new nodes within hours of them going live, and being completely sold out by the end of the day. I'm not buying your Kansas beachfront property.
Why don't you get respect from us? Because I strongly dislike liars. I kept my mouth shut for a long time, hoping you would have the decency to just admit the situation - but trying to pull a Fabozzi and trying to brag about taking the largest dump in an already stagnant pool? Honestly thinking that we would believe you aren't part of the CC fiasco? No, I don't respect that at all.