Alex, you really need to sort this out. There is real potential for 'Elaine' to find herself in real, serious trouble.
Not a timeout and sent to his bedroom. Don't tell her, like, please!
The "her" not to tell in this instance would be the Queen

. because UK companies can be fined £1,000 for each instance of not including the required company info on their websites, emails, order forms, etc. The reason you don't see UK company owners throwing around the word "transparency" in their offers or forum posts (or flexing their epenis muscles by bragging about their low end VPS company's size) is because transparency is a given and required by law if you operate a registered UK company. (yeah, my company does own a UK LTD so I've had the displeasure of having to familiarize myself with the
761 page long Companies Act of 2006 and all of its amendments as well as the gazillions of other UK rules...).