
Hostress, LLC has acquired GreenValueHost v2 Clients and domain.


New Member
Nothing would surprise me, of all people with the chess pieces in this deal at this point and what the story may be.  Been there and busted them multiple times in the past.  Hoping this time we don't repeat the pattern.
Well,  I joined this forum at the perfect timing... 

I just find it absolutely awesome at all the drama, I fucking love it. And I love how the community works together to snipe out all the degenerates.
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New Member
Well,  I joined this forum at the perfect timing... 

I just find it absolutely awesome at all the drama, I fucking love it. And I love how the community works together to snipe out all the degenerates.
Put your foot on the brakes buddy. No one here actively searches for drama, majority of the time it's reactive and based on a rumour or a customer. It's great that you're getting in the mood, but if all you wish to bring to the community is drama then you're not much better than those causing it.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
... love how the community works together to snipe out all the degenerates.
Amen to this point.   We try to keep companies around here honest.   I keep a long term mental note and do routine checkups on companies that cross the naughty line. 

Once on my mental list, the secondary actions come when I see ad spewing, funny search aka getting your company out there or if a customer gets snippy and mouths in public.  For the most part of companies shut up and stop doing stupid I mostly ignore them.  Slaps tend to equate to their bad behavior and noise being raised up.


New Member
Put your foot on the brakes buddy. No one here actively searches for drama, majority of the time it's reactive and based on a rumour or a customer. It's great that you're getting in the mood, but if all you wish to bring to the community is drama then you're not much better than those causing it.
Once school starts on June 29th, I won't be posting as much... And you guys will probably be a lot happier w/o me... :( But, I do like it here and the community :)

Just take my posts with a grain of salt, I'm very sarcastic and don't think a lot before posting but it's just who I am.
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New Member
No, seriously... :) He claimed that he was an old member "with thousands of posts" who could just not remember the password and signed up with a new name.


New Member

My old account was @Nexus and it only has around 500+ posts now that I look at it. I thought it had more :p.

Several years ago, havn't logged in on it as I forgot my details.

But, my main point was I was very active on L.E.T that's why I said 'several thousand posts', to express that. But I guess didn't have that many posts, I'm a liar, I better repent. SO sorry.
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100% Tier-1 Gogent

My old account was @Nexus and it only has around 500+ posts now that I look at it. I thought it had more :p.
Don't let that number trick you or mispaint things.   LET is known to lose posts.  Been quite a bit of material lost over there over the years.  It's a cluster feature :)


New Member
@HN-Matt don't do that. The more people who continually click the "Report Spam" button, the more likely Gmail will setup a global filter  B).
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New Member
Verified Provider
Important account information: Portal migrations to Hostress complete

from: Hostress, Formerly TacVPS <>

reply-to: "Hostress, Formerly TacVPS" <>

date: 22 June 2015 at 01:27


Dear Unconsenting Recipient and Owner of Closed Account From 2 Hosts Ago,

Whilst it is true that you were never a client of TacVPS or Hostress, we are pleased to say that we have ignored your multiple requests to be removed from our mailing list and dragnet. Hostress has completed the client migrations, you can now login to manage your account. Everyone will experience a premium support experience as Hostress has a 24/7/365 support team to answer all and any of your support questions.

I apologize this has taken awhile, we had to make sure the migrations would happen without any issues. That phase is now complete. If you experience any issues please open a ticket in your new Hostress account and we will resolve your issue as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patronage,

@telephone yeah, guess I'll just filter it as spam.
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
What the hark was that email ?>!>!>!


 we are pleased to say that we have ignored your multiple requests to be removed from our mailing list and dragnet...
We have ignored your multiple requests to be removed?  

What the hell is this dragnet crap about?


a net drawn through a river or across ground to trap fish or game.
a systematic search for someone or something, especially criminals or criminal activity.

This is one of this emails that sounds like Jonny Nuggets wrote with words that didn't, ahem, make sense.
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
I'm pretty sure he was being facetious with some artistic edits.
I am hoping so... my goodness...

Dragnet was a big WTF.  But nothing surprises me.  Lots of laughing cats on a lot of customer emails out there.  Even from rather large shops.