100% Tier-1 Gogent
I don't think hosting is a commodity
1. The production of a commodity conforms to standards
2. Commodity doesn't imply low quality nor low price
Respectfully, I insist that Hosting is a lemon market![]()
Oh I entirely agree Hosting is indeed a major lemon market. No disagreement on that
Here's commodity definition from Merriam-Webster: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/commodity
Full Definition of commodity
plural com·mod·i·ties
: an economic good: as
a : a product of agriculture or mining
b : an article of commerce especially when delivered for shipment <commodities futures>
c : a mass-produced unspecialized product <commodity chemicals> <commodity memory chips>
a : something useful or valued <that valuable commodity patience>; also : thing, entity
b : convenience, advantage
obsolete : quantity, lot
: a good or service whose wide availability typically leads to smaller profit margins and diminishes the importance of factors (as brand name) other than price
: one that is subject to ready exchange or exploitation within a market <stars as individuals and as commodities of the film industry — Film Quarterly>
#4 in particular. Generic good or service with great availability (i.e. lots of companies offering the very same product). Typically leads to smaller profit margins (because they have nothing to compete on) and so price is the last thing to differentiate, so they all go a-slashing.
Brand name gets tossed in there and it's an interesting one, because there are more premium brands who don't play in the commodity price slashing circlejerk. Instead the develop identity that consumers know, they might also engineer their own solution stacks (panel, ready made distros, high availability, fail over, free addons, etc.).
#5 is applicable from different angles. #1(c) is also highly relative to the commodification of products / services that is hosting.
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