Hello everybody,
My name is Rob and I am a newbie to the VPS world!
1st VPS is with OVH, I got their high end classical VPS plan. Very impressive features and bandwidth compared to traditional shared web hosting.
I don't mind getting my coding fingers dirty, got to maintain my manly calluses on my fingertips…
Anyway, my VPS is running Ubuntu 14… I am on a Windows 8 laptop.
Any suggestions on alternatives to using Putty to remotely connect to my server?
Also, after figuring out a secure connection…
What type of updates should I be looking out to do?
There are 3 things I would like to do with this VPS.
A nicely secure connection through the VPS to surf the web.
Hosting a website and WordPress blog.
Possibly hosting my own mail server.
I will do my best to utilize Google for all my needs, but… I figured I would ask here in this community to see if anybody has any advanced techniques or solutions that really haven't been published anywhere.
I look forward to any constructive feedback from the experts.
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
If, and hopefully when… I become knowledgeable enough, I'll do my best to remember to answer questions in the future.