Yeah, but that thread never gave anything away, nothing more then a grumpy old employee telling the world his feelings. And ofcourse that it all ended in some other direction
I'll let that slide,meatball

(being Norwegian, naturally don't like you, that didn't help)
I told nothing but the truth. Jon was lying and I simply cleared things up, when it came to HVH owning their hardware. When he implied I did anything less than take Ernie from a small LET kiddie host who couldn't manage his servers -> #1 for search terms on Google / expanding rapidly - I took some issue. If anything, I downplayed what I did for that company in terms of helping him grow and choose a proper infrastructure.
Btw Mikho, I remember that thread ending with me calling Ernie telling Jon to keep his mouth shut if he didn't want me to spill any beans, knowing the implosion that was going on there. Jon quickly stepped back in line and edited his post.
After the hurricane hit NYC and hit Atlantic Metro hard, Jon from CC lured him into a 24 month RTO for 8+ servers. I told him it wasn't too smart as the servers would be antiquated by 24 months and really wouldn't help him, but he moved all NYC servers to Buffalo. I was only helping with SEO at the time, not actually being paid.
All drama aside, I left HVH around 2 months ago because Ernie couldn't compete anywhere near US wages, and I was putting in 8-12+ hours per day for him. Saving numerous VPS servers after crashes, or numerous data center moves. I was tired of fighting with a bunch of kids above a daycare to get data center issues fixed (dust in the switch comes to mind)
Ernie's actually a good guy, but the place was beyond a mess.
I heard from another outsourced employee that Ernie dropped him too, so now it's 100% outsourced team with Ernie as the front-man.
Do the math : Budget servers on par / Same prices as most resellers get them from CC, HVH went from 100% Managed VPS focus -> pushing low cost dedicated servers.
Ernie used to manage the website through Dreamweaver and FTP, now there's some CMS in place, and things look quite different over there.
At least they still have the secured cPanel ISO image deployed with VPS servers I developed