Entering late into the discussion causes me to create this long post...
But keep this in mind:
1) I will always be a member of this community. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. I know I tried to save what was left of LET.
2) No one is forced to join.
3) I have invited folks from here to join and help out with the forum. Folks like Curtis who also runs vpsBoard, and others. People need to realize that not everyone will come straight here and that many folks from LET just want their old forum back without all the baggage and the crap.
I guess that the reasons for you starting the new forum is the exact same reasons most of the newly created forums have.
This will however have the exact opposite outcome, (remember this is nothing against you, I'm talking in general here) the members will scatter across multiple forums, creating smaller groups with different agendas (at least publicly).
Some will survive == get a great community, some will not == become an empty forum with almost no posts/threads at all.
LET will survive, probably not in the same shape and form as before. Members who had been around for a long time stopped posting, many because of the direction LET was heading towards. Some for other reasons..
Personally I'd rather not have a single client who would choose their services by this. Not a single one. I don't want clients who just glide with the wind from host to host every month or two. I mean following that logic as a provider would mean that the moment I step outside my door, open my window, or send a message on the internet that I should strip myself of personality. I'm a Christian, I work at a church. Does that statement mean that I can't host atheists? Should I hide who I am because someone might not like it? You don't have to like everything I say and do. If you think you do, you're not serious about the services that you want to provide and therefore you won't be a client of anyone's for very long anyway.
Been wanting to get that one off my chest for a while, thanks for setting me up for it
This I agree upon, I have only been active in the VPS community since I found LEB/LET a couple of years ago. Before that my focus was with shared hosting.
I am one of the customers who will stay with a provider if the VPS is working for me (if the VPS is responsive when I use it. I don't care to measure dd speeds. The latency to my location is more important). Not how the provider talks on forums. Before I sign up with a provider I do take interest in their presence on forums, how they interact with the community. Never deciding based on one post, more an all-over attitude.
I also strongly believe in giving people a second chance. There are a few providers that had a style that I didn't agree with but as time goes by, the attitude changes and so does my feelings towards this provider.
If this board wants to be better everyone should be able to post - even Chris or CC - without being kicked to death with the same accusations again and again.
As among friends (which is how I would like to think about the forum members) there will always be a bit of bickering, bringing up old stuff that has been discussed over and over again. When both sides, both the one dropping the comment and the person that the comment was intended for can accept it as the joke it most often is. Then we have a great community. It's when these types of disagreements (we have one in this thread already between Marcm and Aldryic) takes over that the community will have problems, if not dealt with immediately.
Taking the above example further, I would call it a non-issue.. just stop bringing it up and it will go away...
128mb VPSs should definitively be banned. This is 2013 for crying out loud!
I bought 2 new VPS from lowendspirit a couple of minutes ago. They are not dead, only hiding
The main problem with low-mem installations are that developers stopped caring about memory usage a long time ago.
I've been working as a consultant for 5-6 years now, before that I was a windows developer and in-house tech for a company.
Every time, historically and even now when I speak to developers and raise the question about slow performance and optimization of THEIR software I get the response to upgrade the hardware... buy more memory, buy faster drives, get a second CPU.
I always return with the question that IF there is no performance boost, will they take the cost of the new hardware? Everytime I get 'No' as an answer. one can wonder why