
My Raspberry Pi + Arduino Project


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So what did I build?

My servers <-> Internet <-> Rapsberry Pi <-> Arduino <-> Shiftregister <-> blinking things

  1. Cronjob running a Ruby script
    This script does:
    • Load list of ips and loop through list doing:
    • Ping ip
    • Try to login via ssh (key based)
    • Check if other sessions are open
    • Check if logfiles should be checked (logwatch report with bad words)
    • Save short status to byte array
    • Write this array to the EEPROM (512 bytes!!) of the Arduino (serial)
  2. Loop within Arduino
    • Load array of status bits
    • Loop through array
    • For each item
      Increase counter and refresh digit display (count + 1)
    • Check status of each byte
    • Enable or disable LEDs
So the digit display is showing which server status is currently displayed (0 to 9 - so 10 servers).

The 6 LEDs (red/green/red/green/yellow/yellow) do show:

  1. Ping status (red bad / green good)
  2. Service status (red bad / green good) [if every required service is running or not]
  3. Other sessions are open (yellow) [so someone is playing around]
  4. Logstatus (yellow) [Hey I should look at those log files]

I am still searching for a good 16 bit shift register (maybe the STP16C596A) and I want to add a 4x16 LCD module too.

The Raspberry Pi is able to handle the stuff too but can only work with 3.3V input/output where the Arduino can handle 5V input/output.

It is a pain to work with resistors for each single GPIO of the Raspberry Pi:


And - of course - you save a lot of energy because the Arduino is more energy efficient.

I like the idea of separated areas of responsibility:

Raspberry Pi doing all the network and analysing stuff and Arduino doing all the electro-technics.

I toy with the idea of buying a USB hub to connect several Arduinos with one Raspberry Pi.

One Arduino for the LCD/LED stuff

One Arduino for the temperature/light/movement stuff

One Arduino for a touch button pad - each button for one action like ssh login and calling scripts, etc.

Yup your right - I am currently running riot on this electro stuff.

Edit: Added video link.
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New Member
And a short hand-shaking made video of the whole setup in action:

Nice setup. How do you even out the pin pulses for the shift register? I use a capacitor for this problem.

Is everthing going through the shift register or do you connect directly to the leds?

Are you using /dev/ttyUSB0 for the communication? What library do you using? I use pySerial for the communication with Arduino.


Content Contributer
  1. 250 Ohm resistor - lowering the noise.
  2. Only the digit display is controlled through the shift register, LEDs through digital pins.
  3. Yup tty through USB using the serialport gem.


New Member
Verified Provider
That's actually really cool! I might have to set one up for my server to check on it, I'd definitely use an LCD over the LED's though ;)


New Member
If you want a easy setup take a LCD with Hitachi HD44780 driver. LiquidCrystal.h is badass.

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);

void setup() {

void loop() {
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("I like Arduino");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("and vpsboard");

for (int positionCounter = 0; positionCounter < 13; positionCounter++) {

for (int positionCounter = 0; positionCounter < 29; positionCounter++) {


2.486 Bytes of C magic.