100% Tier-1 Gogent
Just got this from RamNode:
This message is to all CVZ-E5 and CKVM-E5 clients.
Due to the amount of time and I/O required to fully back up all VPSs on our CVZ-E5 and CKVM-E5 nodes, we have changed the backup interval to monthly for all CVZ-E5 and CKVM-E5 plans. These nodes require almost all of (and in several cases more than) the entire week to complete backups. We expect to have more flexible backup options available in the not too distant future which will allow clients to make better use of our free backup system.
Manual Quick Backups are still available for all OpenVZ VPSs: https://clientarea.ramnode.com/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&id=68