
So, let's clear the air...


Retired Staff
Verified Provider
Retired Staff
@XFS_Duke - can you detail *exactly* what you purchased or acquired?
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Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
I was under the impression that there wasn't an exchange of money or anything 'purchased'.

Though isn't GVH-Jon still very much involved with GreenValueHost?


Dormant VPSB Pathogen
I was under the impression that there wasn't an exchange of money or anything 'purchased'.

Though isn't GVH-Jon still very much involved with GreenValueHost?
The assets (GVH's VPS and dedicated clients and their unsustainable plans) Duke acquired are now being operated under the brand which is owned by XFuse Solutions LLC (and based on the lack of recent complaints things seem to have stabilized since the assets were transferred to XFuse).

Jonny and GreenValueHost Inc are now selling shared and reseller hosting and giving away unlimited free IP addresses and unlimited SSL certificates with their $4 monthly and $16.80 annual reseller plans and unlimited SSD storage with their $0.49 monthly shared hosting plans (and the $0.49 shared hosting plans also include a free domain name and free SSL)...LOL nothing has changed (May 12th ads
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Dormant VPSB Pathogen
The assets (GVH's VPS and dedicated clients and their unsustainable plans) Duke acquired are now being operated under the brand which is owned by XFuse Solutions LLC (and based on the lack of recent complaints things seem to have stabilized since the assets were transferred to XFuse).

Jonny and GreenValueHost Inc are now selling shared and reseller hosting and giving away unlimited free IP addresses and unlimited SSL certificates with their $4 monthly and $16.80 annual reseller plans and unlimited SSD storage with their $0.49 monthly shared hosting plans (and the $0.49 shared hosting plans also include a free domain name and free SSL)...LOL nothing has changed (May 12th ads

I posted that "lack of recent complaints" before I saw today's LET thread (


1. Support tickets for TAC/GVH VPS customers are being answered by both XFuse and GVH workers (see

2. Bandwidth on some current unsustainable annual VPS plans has been reduced 67% by XFuse mid-contract, and Xfuse is telling customers he can't issue them a refund because their original payment was made to GVH not XFuse.

TL;DR some customers who were transferred to XFuse are getting screwed because they paid for something and aren't receiving it.

Selling someone an annual plan with advertised specifications A and then not provided the advertised specs for the entire duration of the contract runs afoul of US consumer protection laws and anyone affected should file complaints with the Louisiana Attorney General's offices if the current holder of those contracts XFuse is going to change the rules mid-game and not offer pro-rated refunds. 

It would be OK to tell the customers the unsustainable plans won't be renewed or the specs will be changed for renewals, but it is not OK  to advertise something and not provide what was advertised for the duration of the contract.  If XFuse took over ownership of these contracts then they are responsible for seeing that the contracts are honored and issuing pro-rated refunds.  The customer shouldn't suffer because someone made the brilliant decision to acquire contracts that have terms the acquirer can't afford to provide.

Sarcastic TL;DR #2:  maybe it's time for another GoFundMe charity event to raise money so customers can be issued pro-rated refunds by XFuse.
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Active Member
Yeah, I saw the thread as well, my three cents:

- Not a great idea to change the service specs in the period paid without compensation. if company doesn't want to provide a pro-rated refund, an extension on the new plans after informing clients of the upcoming changes on renewal and asking them to ticket their choice would probably have gone down better, e.g. 1-2 months or additional free/deeply-discounted features with renewal (to give people incentive to continue buying) or cancel once it ends. 

- Company purchasing takes both the assets and liabilities associated with the arrangement. Clients don't care whether or not new provider receives the money previously paid, only that they had already paid someone and expect service as described at the time of ordering. Telling the client he has to pay extra for something that was supposed to be included is a recipe for losing said client.

- More unnecessary confusion for other clients who aren't sure if/when their service will go under the chopping board ("sustainable" criteria mentioned can be different depending on setup, company background, strategies), after being told in previous forum posts that existing plans will be honoured until renewal time.

Well, at the end of the day, it's a business and the owner can run things as he sees fit, and with due credit, things looked to be on track until this latest incident. Good luck.

Edit: slightly rephrased and removed random line break.
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vpsBoard Premium Member
Selling someone an annual plan with advertised specifications A and then not provided the advertised specs for the entire duration of the contract runs afoul of US consumer protection laws and anyone affected should file complaints with the Louisiana Attorney General's offices if the current holder of those contracts XFuse is going to change the rules mid-game and not offer pro-rated refunds. 

It would be OK to tell the customers the unsustainable plans won't be renewed or the specs will be changed for renewals, but it is not OK  to advertise something and not provide what was advertised for the duration of the contract.  If XFuse took over ownership of these contracts then they are responsible for seeing that the contracts are honored and issuing pro-rated refunds.  The customer shouldn't suffer because someone made the brilliant decision to acquire contracts that have terms the acquirer can't afford to provide.
If there was real money involved here, this would be a class action lawsuit.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
Ehh customers on the retarded plans all [former GVH] customers I do believe were warned of potential price increases.  Maybe it only happened on the forums, heck whichever, shit happens.

I don't agree one bit with adhering to prior plans come renewal time.  Those adjusted on plans while pre-paid - they should be accommodated.  I am semi-certain the big bandwidth dingers are running torrents or TOR.  Always seems to be the story.  Terms of Service should prohibit such (that's the story in most shops).  Gives you abuse / terms matter to address with the unprofitable customers.

As always, it's no wonder why many companies have NO INTEREST in buying VPS customers.

@XFS_Duke - can you detail *exactly* what you purchased or acquired?
Since Duke hasn't graced us with his presence I'll chime in on this.

He was given, $0 purchase price, all VPS customers and all dedicated servers under GVH.  Any shared customers I do believe stayed with GVH/Jonny Spazz.

There was some stack of debt / IOU to vendor(s) that was transferred too.


The Irrational One
Retired Staff
Is that Jonny?

Wow he has a ton of dollar bills.  I didn't think he'd be a great stripper but I guess he got me fooled.

What is that like 20 dollars worth of 1 dollar bills?  


New Member
That's so funny! Does anyone have the original images without captions?

One could buy a lot of chewing gums from that handful of dollars!
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Retired Staff
Verified Provider
Retired Staff
Since Duke hasn't graced us with his presence I'll chime in on this.

He was given, $0 purchase price, all VPS customers and all dedicated servers under GVH.  Any shared customers I do believe stayed with GVH/Jonny Spazz.

There was some stack of debt / IOU to vendor(s) that was transferred too.
That does change things slightly re that other thread.. and not in a good way for 'Duke'.


The Irrational One
Retired Staff
So literally a pump and dump.  Except instead of being paid actual money to Jonny instead he weasels his way out of it and hands all the problems to Duke.

Yep...  ok...


Retired Staff
Verified Provider
Retired Staff
Well, if what drmike says is true, re 'There was some stack of debt / IOU to vendor(s) that was transferred too.' then what he's doing in that other thread is deplorable.


Company Lube
Verified Provider
So literally a pump and dump.  Except instead of being paid actual money to Jonny instead he weasels his way out of it and hands all the problems to Duke.

Yep...  ok...
I think that's the worst part of it all. Jonny now has an ego going on of "even my turds are golden and people want". The same mistakes, etc, will happen soon enough since there's no way he'll stay out of the VPS market for very long. Someone will cut him a deep discount on a box or he'll come up with more plans but anything that's 'fair priced' is probably not going to sell well since he has a bad reputation it'll take a long time to clear it.

While it's likely he was just baiting people into spilling how many sales/week they get off WHT, he did make comments on LET's "cess pit" that WHT was very hit/miss for pickups, with it dying out "significantly" for at least a couple periods.

As for Tac/Duke, I'm not sure where he's getting new signups to pay anymore debt he might have incurred (overages, chargebacks, etc). The only sales posts/emails we've seen have been from people "hacking"/stealing the greenvaluehost database on Jonny's watch.

I still believe that the guy that "woops slipped in those emails" was given permission to do so since to this date no charges have been pressed nor has anyone pursued bans on the main forums, etc. It just comes off to me as everyone trying to get one last swig of rum before the ship fully capsizes.

Duke could probably still get out of things a few thousand bucks richer if he offloaded things to HVH for either a stack of account credit for his future ventures or some pocket change.

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Verified Provider

You really think so? I think Duke bailing out jonny may have hurt more than help. I remember awhile ago i was messing around and i made a GVH ticket offering to buy jonny just to see what astronomical amount he would think "GVH" is worth. This was around the time the hammer came down the first time on LET for him. He wouldn't give a number and refused to sell. He boasted about how is company isnt worth "pennies" though. I guess i was wrong... Its worth dollars.
