
The truth about Mao and BuyVM

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Active Member
I must have missed where this was posted.
Yes, this is what happens to TL;DR people, they can easily be tricked into supporting someone because insults and attackks are more interesting than facts. Also a lot shorter to read and you can produce with them tons of posts to burry the facts.

@MannDude Exactly, I keep telling him this will probably not work the way it worked at LET, even though mods do listen to some people when they request something and pretend didnt read/know when others requested some other thing. For example, the thread title is still not changed, you probably didnt read my request this time either, right ?
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Aldryic C'boas

The Pony
I was civil all the time
This is the only thing I'll focus on here - everything else you say is just more repetition without any proof as always, and is not worth any more of anyone's time.

I know you have trouble with English, so let's clarify this now:

civ-il [siv-uh l]

adjective (taken from here)

  • adhering to the norms of polite social intercourse; not deficient in common courtesy
  • marked by benevolence

I went with definitions 7 and 8, as they are applicable to your usage of the word.  Polite social intercourse is the last descriptor someone would use for any of your rants.  Yours is a petty grievance;  worse off, you can't decide where your actual issue lies.

I could expand a great deal on the above - but it's fairly plain to see that doing such would be pointless.  We've been more than transparent and patient in answering your wild accusations;  your refusal to accept any detail that does not reinforce your misguided story guarantees that nothing said would ever satisfy you.  You've done a phenominal job in this thread of ruining your own credibility.

When you're ready to discuss matters like an adult, I'll be more than happy to sit down with you and provide clarification on your misunderstandings.  Until then, not wasting everyone's time would be appreciated.

I keep seeing the word 'ban'.

Who is threatening to ban who? Who has been banned? What's going on? We've not banned anyone over anything regarding what this thread is about. :p
In short - back in the LET fiasco, Mao managed to get himself banned after irritating most of the moderators there and failing to provide any proof for all of his accusations.  He originally used that as an excuse to claim that I had power to ban at LET;  once that lie was debunked (me with power at LET? Seriously?), he changed the story to claim that BuyVM was running LET.

He brings that up now so he'll have "proof" that I was somehow pulling your strings if he happens to get himself banned again.
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Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
In short - back in the LET fiasco, Mao managed to get himself banned after irritating most of the moderators there and failing to provide any proof for all of his accusations.  He originally used that as an excuse to claim that I had power to ban at LET;  once that lie was debunked (me with power at LET? Seriously?), he changed the story to claim that BuyVM was running LET.

He brings that up now so he'll have "proof" that I was somehow pulling your strings if he happens to get himself banned again.
Mao, you're fine here man. I've only read maybe 50% of this thread but from I see you're simply in a disagreement with people. That's nothing ban worthy. Spam the forum with knock-off Rolex spam or something and we'll talk bans. Having an opinion, that won't get you a ban. This isn't LET. Much more lax here.

EDIT: And Aldy / Fran can't do anything to this site other than turn the VMs off if I stop paying my bill and don't sway how its ran anymore than anyone else. :p  Aldy was one of the people who reported the previous thread because it was 4 responses on topic and 4 pages of this. I think splitting it was better than locking it. Most the moderation here is done via community member based reports. Y'all are the eyes and ears.
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Active Member
So, I didnt prove anything at LET, right ? Then why you started to blame your DC for the network quality for which most kiddie hosts as well as free ones would be ashamed ? Why, all of a sudden there were problems witht he routing and switches and DC overselling ? Wasnt it everything perfect just a week before when you were proving how well can 2 gbps line handle all the traffic and keep people happy ? All of a sudden exactly when I was getting people to finally call your bluff and post speeds, your DC started to play tricks on you ? Werent they the best of the best before ?

I proved nothing :) I can prove the same today, your network is worse than the average, still. But that is besides the point, my point was that you threatened me the same way Spirit threatened DomainBop and I raised the same flag to him in a joke, he flew off the handle and starting calling names and swearing, but, dont worry, you are still the winner at that chapter. 

That was all, nothing more, nothing less. But you insisted to prove you havent learned anything, and Francisco managed to destroy the little credibility he had. I didnt expect this.

Ah, and, is the thread title changed ?

Aldryic C'boas

The Pony
Still waiting on all that proof.  'till then:

When you're ready to discuss matters like an adult, I'll be more than happy to sit down with you and provide clarification on your misunderstandings.  Until then, not wasting everyone's time would be appreciated.


Active Member
Yes, this is what happens to TL;DR people, they can easily be tricked into supporting someone because insults and attackks are more interesting than facts. Also a lot shorter to read and you can produce with them tons of posts to burry the facts.
Thanks for posting this. Your tone here to me is a little questionable, but I guess I can move past that. The images that you posted point to Fran making a comment that he probably shouldn't have made about hacking your SolusVM install.

Where is the other proof? The proof of ownership/control of LET and the proof that the issues in San Jose were not due to EGI? I think those are the things that people that keep requesting. So far, you have only posted proof to 1 of 3 of your claims.


Insert Witty Statement Here
Verified Provider
So Mao, OTHER than the following items, what do you have against BuyVM?

  • Banning of Tor (which BuyVM can do if they so choose, THEY'RE the ones providing services)
  • Aldryic 
  • Francisco
  • Anything having to do with Network (which has been fixed for a LONG TIME)
That's all I've been able to dig out of this mess for reasons you don't like BuyVM. Did I miss any?


Verified Provider
Just my 2 cents:

If Aldyric/Fran has/had any magic power in LE*, LE* would never have been sold to CC.

Aldyric has almost always been dickish in public, especially when deal with accusations. I can imagine him going apeshit when BuyVM was accused of network issues in the earlier stages.

Fran investigated and went publicly to WHT for help on isolating the network issues with EGI, he wanted to prove that the issue was with EGI and not within BuyVM's network, I remember participating in the WHT thread as well. qps also mentioned they had issues with EGI's network, I highly doubt it's coincidence. As a provider and an ex-BuyVM customer, I feel BuyVM did everything they could regarding the network issue although it may have taken significant time. They investigated and couldn't resolve with EGI so they did the next best thing for their clients (move to FH).

So supposely BuyVM is saturating their bandwidth at EGI. Instead of buying another 1G bandwidth to solve the problem, they decide to move to another datacentre? In Asia maybe since bandwidth costs easily outweigh the rack costs so it might makes sense (I did this in Singapore). An extra 1G in US is what, US$1000/month? To avoid that US$1000/month, BuyVM decides to move to Vegas which involves manpower, transport (vehicle, flights) and more hardware to support future 10G expansion. Really? For US$1000/month? This is the same BuyVM that gave free SSD upgrades which probably costs them more than the US$12,000/year. The accusation simply doesn't compute on business grounds.


New Member
Verified Provider
This is James from EGI Hosting. This may be off-topic, but I had to comment.

I didn't deal directly with BuyVM and their networking situation a year ago, so I may be wrong. My understanding was that EGI investigated and made recommendations for BuyVM to improve their situation. We did the best we could at the time.They declined our offer and moved away. I was very pleased to hear that their problems resolved shortly after they arrived at Fiberhub.

EGI takes great pride in our network and regrets that we couldn't do more to help BuyVM when they had issues in San Jose.


Aldryic C'boas

The Pony
My understanding was that EGI investigated and made recommendations for BuyVM to improve their situation. We did the best we could at the time.They declined our offer and moved away.
Not quite, James.  Di would be the one to ask if you need more details, as he worked with us the most on it.  We tried several of your recommendations, but drew the line when we were told "you have to replace your routing hardware with what we specify".  Especially when we had an identical setup working just fine in another location.  You might have also not read the part where we tried the same setup we had with you at Fiberhub in Vegas... and experienced no problems at all.


Active Member
Where is the other proof? The proof of ownership/control of LET and the proof that the issues in San Jose were not due to EGI? I think those are the things that people that keep requesting. So far, you have only posted proof to 1 of 3 of your claims.
So what would have satisfied you ? A picture of Aldryic pressing the ban button ? I think it is obvious for everyone what happened, especially since Francisco admitted many times he did the work on the forum and blog as a result of Chief being incompetent with that.

The timing was this:

Moment t-1: Everything is perfect, BuyVM quality is legendary, everything INCLUDING network is perfect, everyone couldnt be happier;

Moment t0: Aldryic starts rambling about Tor operators trying to justify banning the app from their network (note they did have quite a few nodes in their network, including exit ones due to very bad network the throughput was low enough to be unnoticeable, he had no idea how to find them and what Tor does);

Moment t1: I start an investigation on why those attacks feeling there must be something amiss there. ALdryic does everything he can to ridicule me, knowing fully well that such language and insults would have earned a ban for everyone else, in the attempt to discredit the results of the investigation;

Moment t2: Finally, people start posting speedtests and the cat is out of the bag which makes Aldryic lose it completely posting memes non-stop and inventing strange reasons for that, from a localised isse to one customer or another, going through bad switches and strange routing, finally blaming the DC. One must remember everything was perfectly fine and the network quality legendary, just a few days ago, it only degraded when people started posting speedtests;

Moment t3: The proof is done, everyone reading the topic knows that their network sucks and I get banned as a  consequence coincidence. They couldnt make up their mind for a reason, so it was either because I was annoying or because I supported the attacks against LET (even though nobody could point to the place where I did that);

Moment t4: The fallout from this includes Aldryic withdrawing from LET (I do not know if from own initiative or because Francisco forced him), they blaming EGI meant they could no longer stay there because adding more bw to solve the issue would have proven my point and we all know how the move went with days of downtime and power failures because they didnt have A+B even though the DC had, so on and so forth;

Moment t5 (now); I make a parallel between the BuyVM and CC rule at LET in an attempt to prevent history from repeating itself and Francisco goes off attacking Prometeus, claiming it didnt deliever on the IPv6 issue in Dallas and threatening to hack the SolusVM installation using the illegally obtained knowledge about it fromt he days when he was reusing parts in his Stallion 1 release if his demands are not met (fireing me).

Can anyone in their right mind maintain that the following are coincidences:

1. The network problems at BuyVM starting the moment people started posting speedtests as a result of my investigation;

2. The attacks on Tor operators to justify the ban earlier;

3. My ban just after the proof that their network sucks (literally the next day) when nobody could point at any place where I was breaking any rule while Aldryic broke all rules regarding language and personal attacks, threeats and insults and while they were still maintaining it was another issue, not their undersized connection. All this after denying all the time they have a network problem at all and it is only my imagination trying to force them to allow Tor (even tho I said at least 10 times that is not the case, I am prefectly happy with other providers which do have the capacity to host it).

I agree it does not make sense, it didnt make sense for Francisco to blackmail Prometeus either, he knew damn well he cannot silence me with that, yet he took a big risk for nothing. Also Aldryic language is known and he is tolerated even if he is breaking the rules, however, it does hurt their reputation and it never worked against me, so, maintaining the same attitude is illogical and counterproductive, yet, here we are...

Their attacks started the whole thing in the first place, they continue with that trying to stop the fallout, even tho it is clearly not working, dont blame me for their lack of logic at least alcohol can be blamed now after new year celebrations, but they had no justification in March and 2 days of April. 

Math and Logic are not their strong points, not my fault, sorry.

BTW, now I clearly made the request for the title to be changed, even gave an alternative the admins still didnt see it, no problem, I can wait a bit more.
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Aldryic C'boas

The Pony

Seriously though.  We asked for proof, not more abstract storytime and made up conjecture.  Your perception of reality is very rarely the actual truth, especially as given to change details as often as you do.  Let's see some actual numbers.  Some links and references to actually back up your claims.  Nobody is going to believe something is true just because you of all people claim it is so.

Like I said before, though...

When you're ready to discuss matters like an adult, I'll be more than happy to sit down with you and provide clarification on your misunderstandings.


Active Member

Seriously though.  We asked for proof, not more abstract storytime and made up conjecture.  Your perception of reality is very rarely the actual truth, especially as given to change details as often as you do.  Let's see some actual numbers.  Some links and references to actually back up your claims.  Nobody is going to believe something is true just because you of all people claim it is so.

Like I said before, though...
Well, the bar for proof HAD been lowered of late at LE and here.  It's not surprising if he decides to carry on the fine tradition ;)


Active Member
I think I provided enough proof so this is at least credible:

1. Francisco admits he controls database and has full access on LET when the site is hacked/ddosed "helping" the moronic Chief that was only a frontman which eventually screwed everyone selling LE* to CC.

2. I prove after a long struggle and a lot of denials that 2gbps cannot sustain 4-5 K customers with at least 500 GB monthly each, they continue the denial and I am banned without any clear accusation, just vague hints without anything to substantiate.

3. At that time BuyVM didnt blame the DC yet, were still in the denial phase, it was some weird routing, some switch acting up, etc, they had to admit it after my ban did not stop the people complaining about ridiculous speeds. 

If the only proof for them banning me instead of Chief which wasnt even present in the discussion as he wasnt caring anyway, is a closeup of aldryic pushing the ban button, I am afraid you are asking too much and nothing will convince you.

The romans had a saying: Cui prodest ? Who benefitted from me being banned ? The BuyVM customers which now were serching for a better provider ? LET ? Chief who couldnt be arsed to even read anything ? Or BuyVM who had to upgrade their connection (logical choice) or move out (illogical choice, made inevitable by putting the blame on the DC) ?

Remember they didnt agree they have a problem yet, it was still a bunch of isolated problems, wether switches, bad routes to one or another of the customers, things like those. My Ban didnt help them, the cat was out of the bag already,  true, but it was not sure at that time, maybe they thought they can still supress the matter. 

They seem to think still that they can silence me by blackmailing Salvatore, such a nice man who had nothing to do with the events as I only got one vm from him on the 17th of march, 2 weeks before being banned while the campaign for the truth against their baseless accusations started in February, I was only nearing the truth, and I only started woring for him some 6 months later.

It is a low blow the attempt to involve him, not to mention blackmail him that enough should be proof BuyVM is capable of the lowest of the lows to silence me, a ban in LET is, indeed nothing to write about compared to hacking blackmail against a third party.
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Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
Note to self: Don't piss off Mao

On a serious note though... this thread is just going on and on. We're talking about things from years ago. Is there any recent developments in anything related to any of this?

Hard to justify locking a thread when everyone is so civil, but it does seem to be on loop now. Everyone wants the last word :)
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Aldryic C'boas

The Pony
Just because you claim something happened, doesn't mean it's actually so.  Once again, waiting on proof of these ridiculous claims.


Active Member
Note to self: Don't piss off Mao

On a serious note though... this thread is just going on and on. We're talking about things from years ago. Is there any recent developments in anything related to any of this?

Hard to justify locking a thread when everyone is so civil, but it does seem to be on loop now. Everyone wants the last word :)
Did I misunderstand it or you are threatening to close the thread ? And, BTW, did you change the title as you said you agreed ? I still see the mock title, even though you said you asked me if to change it or not, I even provided you with an alternative, yet you keep ignoring that :)

If you need any recent justiffication for the thread, the blackmail Francisco did to silence me is from the 15th of December 2013, or that is from the last year and doesnt count, I need to provide events from 2014 to be allowed to prove my case here ? 

Quit their game, you will lose too, let them sink in their lies, blackmails, bad language and illegalities. It is them who cried paedophiles without any proof, it is them who started this, now it is not going so well so we should just forget the whole thing ? Why, because BuyVM says so ? Then, go on, say BuyVM requested the topic split and the name to be kept, full disclosure, we are asking, not ?

I told you, the only way to sience me is a full ban. I will continue on LET, then, you cant stop it, not you, not BuyVM, the truth is out there in the open and will continue to be, no matter how many friends they have now, they are fewer and fewer, Salvatore considered himself a friend of theirs before the completely uncalled attacks and threats.

Aldryic C'boas

The Pony
Watch out Curtis, you "threatened" him, now he's going to cry about you for the next two years.

Funny, for someone that keeps claiming Prometeus is uninvolved in this (despite a very blatant endorsement of the childish behavior by this Salvatore chap), you sure do keep mentioning them.  Still waiting on all that proof, btw.
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