I received my two new Pi's today. The shipping from RS Components was pretty fast as I was expecting it on Monday only. It costed me around INR 3250 (~53 USD) per Pi. Didn't get much time today to play with them. Actually, I haven't even opened the plastic cover.
Will be replacing my existing Pi functioning as the download system with one of the new, as they have a 1 year warranty. Not sure whether it will last that much, considering the power fluctuations in my place.
I still have few issues to be sorted out.
- The UPS powering the Pi and router goes off after a few mins of power outage due to low load.
- Not yet able to make swap work from the HDD connected. Tried many ways, but no success.
Here is a pic of my present setup.
Using the NO-IP service for dynamic DNS, since we have dynamic IP allocations here. Just installed Fail2Ban and its already receiving attacks on SSH mostly from 61.147.1**.* IP's. The other major processes running are transmission-daemon and nginx.
If anyone needs an Indian IP to do some legit tests, I have my Pi online and can give access to it. Its has 2Mbps unmetered downlink and 512Kbps uplink.