
What do you use your Raspberry Pi for?


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
So far just been using it to get frustrated at network bridging attempts. I've got both machines capable of pinging back and forth, can SSH back and forth locally, but trying to get the Pi to connect to the internet by sharing the WiFi connection of the PC it's wired to and all hell breaks loose.

Though while typing this I just thought of an idea that may just work...


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
Sorry to bump an old(ish) thread, but I want this case!



Dedi Addict
I just bought a Raspberry Pi. Planning on using it for logging functions as well as some software defined radio projects.


Well-Known Member
Verified Provider
I've setup a Windows 7 KVM on our new KVM node in Denver and the RPi with rdesktop is amazingly smooth. I'm running PiBang right now because I was doing some actual work but I'm going to switch over to RPITC to see how it runs without any extras in the background.


New Member
I've setup a Windows 7 KVM on our new KVM node in Denver and the RPi with rdesktop is amazingly smooth. I'm running PiBang right now because I was doing some actual work but I'm going to switch over to RPITC to see how it runs without any extras in the background.
Very nice setup, Kujoe!  Glad to see you here at VPSBoard also, I was wondering why you left LET. 


New Member
So far just been using it to get frustrated at network bridging attempts. I've got both machines capable of pinging back and forth, can SSH back and forth locally, but trying to get the Pi to connect to the internet by sharing the WiFi connection of the PC it's wired to and all hell breaks loose.
You can't bridge WiFi to anything if you're just a WiFi client. Only the AP can bridge.

Very annoying, but that's how it was designed. Google around if you want to know details.

An alternative would be to set up routing+NAT on the PC, not bridge.
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Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
You can't bridge WiFi to anything if you're just a WiFi client. Only the AP can bridge.

Very annoying, but that's how it was designed. Google around if you want to know details.

An alternative would be to set up routing+NAT on the PC, not bridge.
Actually, I now have access to the router so I have the Raspberry Pi can connect to it directly now. Need to reflash the OS, as some updates recently rendered the device unbootable. Boo.

I've got some ideas, but not had time to do anything yet.


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
Actually, I now have access to the router so I have the Raspberry Pi can connect to it directly now. Need to reflash the OS, as some updates recently rendered the device unbootable. Boo.

I've got some ideas, but not had time to do anything yet.
Got motivated earlier, re-flashed my SD card and installed a local webserver. Looking for a pre-configured solution so I didn't have to strip down the stock Raspian install, I found this: Basically a minimal Debian distro with Nginx, php5-fpm and MySQL.

Since it's documented pretty poorly, I'll just list some basics below:

Download and extract the .img file:!gU5W2S4D!FbwYuUTf_zJxrW-gFDTbMzaDY9Y4vWYIayymyneKfrg

 and flash your SD card:

dd bs=4M if=~/RaspberryServer2_Foundation_21062013.img of=/dev/sdc

(Thats assuming your SDCard is /dev/sdc and that you're using the same build I am.

After that, setup was a breeze. Slide that SD card into your Raspberry Pi, wire your Raspberry Pi to your router and plug it in. After that all you have to do is figure out what IP your Raspberry Pi has locally, so run:

nmap -p22 -sV --open

Which resulted in (for me, may be different for you):

Starting Nmap 6.00 ( ) at 2013-08-06 04:17 EDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00085s latency).
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 6.0p1 Debian 4 (protocol 2.0)
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:kernel

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (5 hosts up) scanned in 4.57 seconds

So now I could SSH into my Raspberry Pi with using 'root' and the default password of 'raspberry'.

I was able to confirm it was working by going to: in my browser on my desktop PC and getting the default webserver page.

Stock install takes up about 50MB of RAM, so it's already pre-configured/tuned for the most part.

Anyhow, I messed around for a bit, set things up as I normally would for a LEMP stack. Running a ServerBear benchmark on it right now, haha. I'll post those results when they become available.
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Well-Known Member
Verified Provider
Anyhow, I messed around for a bit, set things up as I normally would for a LEMP stack. Running a ServerBear benchmark on it right now, haha. I'll post those results when they become available.
It's been 2 days, is it still running? :p


New Member
If you want I/O performance, you should have got a Cubieboard, it has a SATA port.
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
Anyone doing anything new and fun with their Pi?

I am holding out on the Pi, being a disk speed type of person USB isn't going to cut it.  Cubies look more my speed, but Pi's seem to be getting all the love.


Well-Known Member
Verified Provider
I used mine as my primary desktop while I waited for my new laptop (about 3 weeks due to a delay). I was very impressed with how well it ran when RDPing to Windows servers that were less than 50ms away. No loss in productivity. :D
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New Member
Haven't got one yet but I have a few ideas brewing:

-zombie backup machine using Bittorrent sync. I'm finished with the cloud.

-make a solar-powered music server with battery back-up.

-see if I can make a basic music synthesizer/MIDI sequencer.

-with camera as a timelapse creator.