
What's in your computer junk?


New Member
Looking for an SFF-8087 cable, found this instead.


Antediluvian IDE disk? I wonder what's on it. Fortunately, I found a Promise IDE host adapter with it, but alas, no cable.

What random computer bits do you have lying around you should have tossed long ago?


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
This is just within arms reach. I'm packing to move, so I've a lot of stuff in bags and other boxes. Crappy photos because I misinterpreted the 'scan' feature of the Google Drive app on my S3. It uploaded the image as a PDF, so I took a screenshot of that... Crap quality:


Pretty sure the drives are all failed. Been years since I've hooked them up. Should probably hook them up to something and see. Probably would cringe at music I listened to 10 years ago in High School.
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
Oh I have a large rubbermaid tub of wifi stuff... Mostly B...

A $15k when knew load balancer. 

A touchscreen "tablet" circa 2003 I guess.   

Lots of stuff. That is just in this office.  My others have way more.


Retired Staff
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Retired Staff
Ah, so it's not just me that finds it nigh on impossible to throw away old computer 'kit'


Active Member
I have few CRT monitors lying around, all working, somewhat 10-15 years old. All the damaged computer parts, I have dumped in my cousin's computer shop. They break things and use as spare parts. Also, have a P4 system, running transmission all the time, scheduled to download all stuffs that my team is interested after the office hours and also keeping a local backup of our git repo.


New Member
Verified Provider
Hey, while i worked at a local university i had some microVAX systems to play with. WORKING microVAX systems. I even installed NetBSD on one of them. Recompiling the kernel took 2 days :)


New Member
You guys are all amateurs, where are the RLL drives and XT's
In the basement, togheter with some 8'' floppy drives and a few odd things such as the Ericsson Portable computer with 7'' plasma screen and built-in thermal printer.

In a previous house, I filled the garage with (working) datacenter junk at the point that the car could not enter anymore (2 DEC microvax systems with VT320 terminals and a full set of VMS documentation in orange binders, 1 Honeywell microcomputer, assorted workstations (HP/Apollo/Sony NeWS), disk packs, 8'' CDC hard drives with SMD interface, lots of 5.25'' MFM and SCSI Maxtor and CDC drives.

Cleared most of this mess now, but I can't drop the habit to keep totally useless computing devices that most people will immediately put into the trash.


Where is the beer!
Let see i got 2x evga nvidia 560ti's, 1x evga nvidia 650, amd cpu fan for fx-series, 2x 2 gig ddr2-667 sticks, Intel Q9400 CPU and Asus MB, Some kind of PSU 650w brand new.  


Active Member
hmm I got two Geforce 6600GT with Zalman coolers, ddr1 ram sticks, i3-540 cpu, low profile cpu cooler, few 20-40GB IDE harddrives, old ADSL modem/routers, two 17" CRTs I'm not using anymore and that's pretty much it.

The other CRT reaches better resolution than my 22" LCD  ^_^ 1600x1200 vs 1680x1050


The ocean is digital
You guys are all amateurs, where are the RLL drives and XT's
At the city dump where they belong :p

I saw how my grandparents never threw anything away and when I was a kid I promised myself to always be the opposite. If it has sentimental value, back up a photo of if before you throw it away ;)


New Member
Verified Provider
I saw how my grandparents never threw anything away and when I was a kid I promised myself to always be the opposite. If it has sentimental value, back up a photo of if before you throw it away ;)
I stayed at my grandparents one winter while they were in Florida, some of the canned goods I found in the cupboard were ready for the museum. 