Jonny_Evorack I appreciate your participation in this thread, however, regardless of how hard you are trying to cover your butt, it doesn't effect the fact that there have been issues on your platform recently which you don't seem to want to fess up to. All I really wanted from you was something along the lines of, "Hey, yes we have had some issues and there has been some unexpected network outages and issues which we are currently working through and we hope to have thing fixed soon". However, instead of something like this, you continue to suggest to me that these issues are some how my fault or don't even want to be honest with me and admit they are happening. The fact is, the server has not be very good recently. A few weeks back the server I am on had something up with it to the effect that after a very long uptime, I was forced to reboot my server to bring my services back online and the first few times I even attempted this in the control panel it failed. Along with that, there have been ongoing intermittent network issues both on IPv4 and IPv6, in fact if you review that thread again on LET you will see that 5/12 people stated they had network issues with their server, this is almost 50% of the people who answered the poll, I hardly call this 'no one else'.
This has not always been the case with your service, in fact, if you review my past comments on both LET and vpsBoard you will see I have usually been your biggest advocate. However, when you don't even have enough respect for me as your customer to admit there is any type of issue, I start to lose respect for you and your business. I was hoping bringing things to light in public would help you understand this, but apparently, not so much. I will continue to state my opinions wherever applicable, if you don't like it, fix the service! Then I will once again have good reason to praise you and your company, like I have in the past, many times. However, continuing to follow me around and try to put out fires by posting in the thread that I don't want to open a ticket every time I lose IPv6 connectivity or IPv4 connectivity, to wait about 8-12 hours for you to tell me there is no issue that you have seen and that it is my fault, is a pretty pitiful way to fix the issue. Instead, I ask that you simply fix the issues with your service and then you will no longer have to worry about what I will say, because if you can continue to provide me the standard of service which I have come to expect in the past, I will be happy to sing your praises from the roof top.
Sorry for derailing this thread everyone, but his response in the thread deserved a response and not to just be ignored.
Here is hoping you find some time to look into the recent issues and get things fixed @