
Stallion 2 - pictures and daily updates :)


Company Lube
Verified Provider

Did you get that other bug taken care of that we talked about in IRC? The one were saving changes to the IP addresses screws up the internal network connection to the MySQL server?
No I forgot to note it down before I took a nap :D I'll finish it today.



Company Lube
Verified Provider
Been working away at the per VPS IPV6 subnets:

This screen is what you'll get when you're migrating from randomized IP's into your dedicated /64:


This popup is what you'll use when you're attaching a single, specific, IP address:


I hope to have it rolled out by the end of the week at the latest.



Company Lube
Verified Provider
This feature should be rolled out on either Thursday or Friday :)

We're still deciding if we want to allow block assigning. My concern is since there is no

page refreshing someone could spam up a thousand or two entries and grind their poor OVZ into

the ground.



Company Lube
Verified Provider
Thanks :)

Just wrapping up the last of the customer subnets code. It will be available within the next 15 minutes.


Aldryic C'boas

The Pony
Alright folks, time for Phase II.  I've started work on the support system, and while I sadly won't have any screenshots for you for awhile (my dev pages are quite literally blank screens with text until Fran prettys them up.. I hate design work -_-), I would like to get some input before I get to far into this.

Support is rather basic, and (coding quality aside) WHMCS does a decent enough job for support tickets, so I'll be taking a very (visually) similar approach.  That said.. does anyone have a recommendation/feature request they would like to see implemented?  Something traditional support systems lack that would be useful or informative?


New Member
edit: My language comprehension ability appears to be low this morning as you requested features specific to support/ticketing. The following is just general billing related, sorry about that.


Hi Pony. I realize this list is huge and some of it just isn't reasonable, but these are my "demands" in approximately priority order.



1. Single signon to both manage and client area. Transition away from PonyVM#####.

2. User generate invoice for account pre-payment with user adjustable amount and a minimum size of a reasonable value, like 20 USD.

3. Allow buying bandwidth desynchronized from the service term (ie, buy extra bandwidth for THIS month but not the remaining 5 months of service)

   3.a Allow turning on auto-bandwidth purchasing instead of auto-suspend, but defaults to off. Would require positive acct balance, etc.

4. Synchronize service display name in billing with service display name in manage.

5. User adjustable invoice pregeneration period (so instead of 10 days, maybe as much as a month in advance or as little as 5 days)

6. Better cart order locking for services (I don't recall anyone saying their order got cancelled due to availability, but I know WHMCS's inability to reserve instances IS a problem)

   6.a A little countdown saying "your cart expires in X minutes"

   6.b Necessary features to prevent DOS abuse of such locking =(

7. User selectable renewal period.

   7.a optionally, the ability to trucate this renewal cycle to the selected renewal length, with appropriate pro-rated credits/charges. Not really necessary, but would be convenient.

8. Pay multiple invoices in 1 transaction (or open invoice merging, etc)

   8.a on an invoice merge, lift minimum prepay transaction limit.

9. User adjustable invoice email-to list per service. Main account email cannot be removed (though might be BCCed, if appropriate)

   9.a default list for new services.

10. Tabular payment history with the following fields:

   10.a Date invoiced

   10.b Affected services

   10.c Amount

   10.d Date paid

   10.e Payment source (A generic label or icon like Paypal, Google checkout, etc, would be sufficient, not necessarily the pay-by acct)

   10.f Somehow show account credits and credit date/cancellation date/etc.

11. Generate above payment history by user selectable date window (up to 1 year with flexible start and end dates)

   11.a Summary for the date window.

   11.b If you were super awesome, you could filter this by service/subacct/service group.

12. Preordering for accounts with existing services, good standing and sufficient account credits (which would be set as "reserved for preorder" so as not to be consumed by renewals)

13. Automatically announce casualty Friday stock turnover to the appropriate ML.

14. Ordering/provisioning API.


Display related:

1. Show a "not available" or "out of stock" button instead of an order now link when there is no stock in that category.

2. filter inactive services (or show only inactive services)

   2.a Preference to show or hide inactive services by default

   2.b Preference for number of services to show by default.

3. Sort services by:

   3.a next invoice date

   3.b deploy date/first invoice date

   3.c cost per month or annum

   3.d (average resource or bandwidth usage)

   3.e (last resource or bandwidth usage)

4. Show icons for available addon features on the service selection page (more bw, more disk, more IPs, aegis, etc)

   4.a Generally better description of suitable usages for a particular VM product to ease selection for new users.

5. View list of referred accounts.


best regards,

-tw, maker of trouble, rouser of rabbles.
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Aldryic C'boas

The Pony
Becca sighed softly, school had just ended for her and as usual she headed home to unwind. Upon reaching her house, she let herself in and immediately....

*cough* >_>

Fantastic ideas suh.  A good number are already on my to-do list, and I've got a great list to work off of now when we start the billing dev.  I won't be doing any more scripts for WHMCS (number 4) since I'd rather devote my time to S2 dev than trying to fix up that broken ioncubed mess any more <_< 

I'll be getting all of the support-side done before I start on Billing, so there's still plenty of time to hash ideas out :p


Company Lube
Verified Provider
For those interested:

KVM templates will be supported sometime next week.

Templates for Windows 2003, 2008, & 2012 will be available.

Windows 2012 will also be included in our KVM pricing.




Francisco, I don't see you really talk about the Framework you choose to build it off, if you don't mind could you answer a few questions?

Why you choose this framework?

What unique items it has to it which makes it better then writing it manually?

Is it better then other frameworks like Laravel, etc?

Just wondering as I'm interested to see why you chose it.


Company Lube
Verified Provider
Francisco, I don't see you really talk about the Framework you choose to build it off, if you don't mind could you answer a few questions?

Why you choose this framework?

What unique items it has to it which makes it better then writing it manually?

Is it better then other frameworks like Laravel, etc?

Just wondering as I'm interested to see why you chose it.
We chose CI because it's a great framework with some really really useful functionality but isn't so heavy that it's getting in the way.

It has a pretty decent database ORM and the sanitizing classes are top notch.

I'd get really tired of writing chained IF statements to validate if things are ints as well as ranges, instead of just a simple:

->set_rules('backupid', '', 'trim|required|is_natural_no_zero');

It just makes life a lot easier.

Stallion 1 was 'per page' procedural and I wanted to hang myself by the end of it. I got tired of writing SQL queries by hand all the damn time, especially when I made large database changes (splitting tables, etc).

CI is an older framework but there is a huuuuge community behind it and I had no issues finding solid examples to work from.

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We chose CI becauase it's a great framework with some really really useful functionality but isn't so heavy that it's getting in the way.

It has a pretty decent database ORM and the sanitizing classes are top notch.

I'd get really tired of writing chained IF statements to validate if things are ints as well as ranges, instead of just a simple:

->set_rules('backupid', '', 'trim|required|is_natural_no_zero');

It just makes life a lot easier.

Stallion 1 was 'per page' procedural and I wanted to hang myself by the end of it. I got tired of writing SQL queries by hand all the damn time, especially when I made large database changes (splitting tables, etc).

CI is an older framework but there is a huuuuge community behind it and I had no issues finding solid examples to work from.

I assume with the set_rules you're referring to mostly the form validation section? Also, would you recommend this framework to other people?