
Search results

  1. MannDude

    Verifying foreign accounts, how do you do it?

    I understand it is common practice in this industry to sometimes request additional information from a customer if their order is flagged for additional review or marked as fraud from Maxmind. I've seen providers request identifying information such as a scan of a government issued ID. When you...
  2. MannDude

    Short, memorable and easily brandable VPS hosting domain and logo for sale. (.com and .net version o

    I added this to my portfolio earlier this year, but really have no need for it so am selling it here instead. It's a great domain, very short, easy to remember, and should be easy to brand if used for a hosting company. Please note that "K9" is not just a random letter/number combo. I am...
  3. MannDude

    What local DNS servers are you using?

    Seems like Google and OpenDNS are commonly used, with OpenNIC ( being a new one to me which seems to be more privacy focused than the others, though I am uncertain how it compares as far as performance goes. I've actually never really noted any difference...
  4. MannDude

    URL shortener script suggestions?

    What is everyone here using for their self-hosted URL shortening needs? I just picked up, which I intend to use to shorten URLs for future Twitter postings as I work towards utilizing that more. Just looking for something simple and lightweight, will be going on a small vacant VPS of...
  5. MannDude

    Time management

    For those of you with busy lives, how do you properly manage your time? I'm trying to buckle down and knock out stuff on my ever growing to-do list, and admittedly probably don't (I don't) manage my time as properly as I should. Between sitting down at a desk and working 9 hours a day at a real...
  6. MannDude

    Ordering glasses online?

    I'm sure many others here are plagued with bad vision, and staring at glowing monitors all day certainly doesn't help to improve this. I've got an eye-appointment scheduled tomorrow as it's been about 4 years since I've had a change in my eyeglass prescription and plan on only obtaining the...
  7. MannDude

    Project Plugs. What are you working on?

    Anyone here working on anything particularly noteworthy that you want to share? I'm always impressed by some of the things the community members here whip up, and figured I'd create a thread where you can plug your projects, completely guilt-free. :) So, what are you currently working on?
  8. MannDude

    How can we make the Daily Server Deals website a better experience for you?

    Howdy vpsBoard members, MannDude here. Almost a year ago we launched, a brand new offer listing website built from the ground up by vpsBoard member @Novacha and specifically designed to publish VPS offers. I'll admit, it's been slow going and hasn't received as much...
  9. MannDude

    DNS hosting options?

    Curious what everyone here is using for DNS hosting on an active site. Currently I am using Rage4, which I am quite happy with but it's now costing me $14+/mo, and while that's not a drain on the finances, it does seem to be sort of high for just DNS hosting. With that said, I'm interested in...
  10. MannDude

    Coffee. What are you drinking and what would you recommend?

    Although I drink coffee on most days, I do not know a lot about it and would like to further my understanding and would like to get some 'good' stuff to try out. I used to just drink Foldgers, and don't actually dislike it but when I'd run out of coffee I'd pick up something new each time when...
  11. MannDude

    WHMCS Security Advisory

    In case you didn't get the email:
  12. MannDude

    StatusCake + Rage4 failover setup: A question

    Hey there, I'm currently using StatusCake and Rage4 together as part of a failover solution. In short, when StatusCake detects downtime, Rage4 will failover to a different server which will display an error message, Twitter feed, and a link to IRC. This setup, it works. The issue is, once the...
  13. MannDude

    WhoIS and domain information archive?

    Is the only viable source for this? Are there any other sources, free or paid? Just curious what others here use and if they can make any recommendations.
  14. MannDude

    $83,000 in Bitcoins stolen from hacker hijacking traffic.

    Unsure how many of you follow WHIR, but it's got some good articles posts from time to time. I just saw this ( on Twitter, and thought it was an interesting read. I won't...
  15. MannDude

    The knife thread.

    Look, we've got a that most of you hate. So why not have a knife thread? Now more of you can play. :) I just got this delivered to me today. I was tired of my cheap Wal-Mart knives always going dull and since I usually carry a knife I wanted something that was well reviewed. It's not the...
  16. MannDude

    A Linux powered AR15 rifle

    As a gun owner/enthusiast and as an obvious Linux / tech dude, TrackingPoint's products have always intrigued me. While absolutely expensive, and arguably 'cheating' when it comes to using the technology while hunting, you can not deny the fact it's a pretty neat use of Linux! Regardless if you...
  17. MannDude

    BitCoin in the hosting industry case study... who wants to partake?

    Heya, Long story short ( because I'm about to cook dinner and stomach is growling :) ), we'll soon be working on a 'case study', of sorts, about BitCoin in the web-hosting industry. There still seems to be a lot of confusion about BitCoins from the end-user, I have no interest in touching base...
  18. MannDude

    Russian gang said to have collected over a BILLION stolen passwords.

    Read more at the source:
  19. MannDude

    You wouldn't download a car, would you? How about, 3D print a castle?

    I want to build a 3D printer in a bad way, but this guy took the open source RepRap software to design a 3D concrete printer, and well... he's printing a damn 'castle'. Read about it here: Man...
  20. MannDude

    vpsBoard summer contest winner is...

    I want to thank everyone who entered the although the turn out was much much smaller than the contest earlier this year, the reviews submitted were great and I appreciate everyone who took time to enter the contest! I'll start a new contest in another couple months for autumn, and we'll start...