This is simply too entertaining for me to not hop in. By the way, I'm not a BuyVM customer and never have been.
First things first. You went in expecting what is basically full management for $23 per month, then you got upset when the provider made multiple attempts to work with you and explained what the issue(s) were? And equally "disappointed" that a human being has to sleep? People and hosts make mistakes, that's just a fact of life, my friend. There were mistakes made on both sides. But I believe BuyVM is in the right here. All you're doing is stirring up a fire that doesn't need to and shouldn't exist.
I can clearly see that Fransisco was interested in and actively tried to finish up the setup just by those first 4 lines of the live chat, but you went on to request a refund before they really had a chance to. Your fault for waiting until after your old provider's service expired, that should never happen if you give even the faintest of a crap about the content. That doesn't account for the fact that as a forum & website administrator, you should actively be backing your content, databases, etc up to an external server anyway. Your fault for them having to wait for your upload.
Secondly, sure, Fransisco got a little upset. But put yourself in his shoes; and be honest - wouldn't you get a bit upset about a client who's being completely irresponsible and unreasonable about... everything? Perhaps compounded by the stress and hardships of running a large VPS provider, lack of sleep, crap going on in life - y'know, human factors that everyone experiences?
Anyway. Best of luck with whatever provider gets your business.
I went in expecting full managed(based on their definition of what I asked them and they told me) for $40 a month....For the umpteenth time, the $23 is only what I paid for the remainder of August, as it was a proration.
You acknowledged that mistakes were made on both sides....but then turn right around and say that BuyVm is in the right? You do realize how contradictory that sounds?
Also for the umpteenth time, I am not mad that the dude went to sleep....I was mad that the dude went to sleep WITHOUT saying a word.
Communication is the issue. Or the lack thereof....That's just like me talking to someone on the phone and then all of a sudden I just hang up. Didn't say bye or anything. Just hang up.
Or I am up on a date and I just get up and leave and don't say a word.
How anyone can't see WHY that would be annoying is laughable lol and I am pretty sure you people would be pissed if someone just stops replying for 8 hours without you knowing what is going on.
You are absolutely right that mistakes are made. It is a fact of life. But a person also owns up and accepts accountability for my mistakes without making excuses. I've done that...cant say the same for BuyVm.
I don't see why anyone keeps bringing up the fact of my old host....It doesn't matter when I cancelled with them. I am not nor did not blame them for that.
Why do I need another server for my backups if I already HAD my backups? I even asked the dude if he wanted me utilize another means(since the original method I chose was not working). I keep my backups generally in my own storage as well as locally as well. I hadn't done so with that particular back-up at the time because it was fresh and I was going to upload it to buyvm.
Tell me why Hawkhost(my current host) was able to restore the back I uploaded altogether in about 2 hours? Only for $4 more than BuyVM?
AS far as your last paragraph....I have worked in fast food where I have to deal with people I don't feel like dealing with. My present job is good but I still have to interact with customers. I may be going through some stuff. But it is my job to be respectful to the customer. So no there is no excuse for any of his behavior.
Furthermore, I'd be perfectly willing to accept that maybe he was having a bad day, frustrated or maybe there were signals crossed. He even came into this forum to say he could've handled it better.
But then turns around and goes back to his chat to not only lie to his fanboys about how I asked him for free stuff but then turns around and says "Oh yeah if he comes back and apologizes to us, we'll set him up."
Yeah that doesn't sound like someone who realizes the situation was handled badly and it doesn't sound like someone who is taking accountability.
Sounds like someone who has an ego who believes he can and did no wrong.
The good thing about the web hosting industry is there are no shortage of providers out there. I'm sure you can find a new host by the time your service with BuyVM will renew if you don't wish to renew with them. There are literally thousands of providers.
I like them, as evident by my use of their services to host this site, but I understand that not everyone will have similar experiences. Even the hosts generally regarded as the 'best' fail to please customers sometimes. No biggie, many other hosts to choose from. I do appreciate you sharing your experience though and wish you luck with whatever provider(s) you choose in the future.
That is one perk of the hosting world
I am presently with HawkHost. Who I do recommend for nearly the same price as BuyVM, much better reputation, flexibility, and support and who don't have a shady background/reviews and possibly involved in shilling and what not.