To my surprise, I notice a email in my inbox today from none other than a "Gregory Clark" of Colocrossing threatening to sue vpsBoard for 'libel' in regards to a user made review of one of their companies, HudsonValleyHost.
As you can imagine, this came as a bit of shock to me as vpsBoard itself does not publish reviews and instead is simply a platform and outlet for end users to publish their experiences with companies if they do wish to do so. Furthermore the letter was addressed to me personally, as the owner of vpsBoard, accusing myself personally of libel instead of requesting information about the end-user who supposedly committed the libel.

The thread in question that they don't want you to see was published in 2014 which can be read in full detail here:
As always, vpsBoard has been an open platform in which users can share their experience and providers can, and are encouraged, to respond and share their side of the story as well. There have been many examples of complaints and issues being resolved using this platform and their failure to engage or resolve the issue with the end user who wrote the review is on them, not me. They make the claim that I allow this knowing it to be 'factually untrue'. This is indeed false. Based on a wide selection of reviews made on this company and others under the parent company's control during this time period, on vpsBoard and other similar sites, it would not be unreasonable to believe that the words written are true. The burden of proving the readers that the review is factual, exaggerated, or completely false is not on me. The timeline of events are known only by those who had direct experience with the situation outlined in the above thread which would be the original poster and any number of staff that worked for ColoCrossing or Hudson Valley Host at the time.
I wonder if iNet / WebHostingTalk was served the same letter for the same thread made there, which can be read in full here: This is a thread that WebHostingTalk temporarily "Featured", and interestingly enough the same thread was made on LowEndTalk itself right here: and as you'll see, it's still up.
So this poses the question, why is Colocrossing picking on vpsBoard? Was it a funny game for them to send me a threatening legal letter on my birthday? (The letter was drafted on the 24th, original email that I overlooked was sent on the 25th) What are their true intentions?
And here I was, thinking that the hatchet had been buried after years of petty little back and forths.
As you can imagine, this came as a bit of shock to me as vpsBoard itself does not publish reviews and instead is simply a platform and outlet for end users to publish their experiences with companies if they do wish to do so. Furthermore the letter was addressed to me personally, as the owner of vpsBoard, accusing myself personally of libel instead of requesting information about the end-user who supposedly committed the libel.

The thread in question that they don't want you to see was published in 2014 which can be read in full detail here:
As always, vpsBoard has been an open platform in which users can share their experience and providers can, and are encouraged, to respond and share their side of the story as well. There have been many examples of complaints and issues being resolved using this platform and their failure to engage or resolve the issue with the end user who wrote the review is on them, not me. They make the claim that I allow this knowing it to be 'factually untrue'. This is indeed false. Based on a wide selection of reviews made on this company and others under the parent company's control during this time period, on vpsBoard and other similar sites, it would not be unreasonable to believe that the words written are true. The burden of proving the readers that the review is factual, exaggerated, or completely false is not on me. The timeline of events are known only by those who had direct experience with the situation outlined in the above thread which would be the original poster and any number of staff that worked for ColoCrossing or Hudson Valley Host at the time.
I wonder if iNet / WebHostingTalk was served the same letter for the same thread made there, which can be read in full here: This is a thread that WebHostingTalk temporarily "Featured", and interestingly enough the same thread was made on LowEndTalk itself right here: and as you'll see, it's still up.
So this poses the question, why is Colocrossing picking on vpsBoard? Was it a funny game for them to send me a threatening legal letter on my birthday? (The letter was drafted on the 24th, original email that I overlooked was sent on the 25th) What are their true intentions?
And here I was, thinking that the hatchet had been buried after years of petty little back and forths.
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