100% Tier-1 Gogent
Debt, you'd assume would be friends of the former companyDigging what out of debt? You're acquiring GVH's customers not the company aren't you?. Any existing GVH debt would still be the responsibility of Green Value Hosting Inc wouldn't it?
If an IOU suffices then the company probably really was that small, even in the hosting industry...
I mean think about it, I buy from your datacenter, I owe you money. Tomorrow I transfer my business or portions of it to some other company who remains at your datacenter. What do you do about that IOU? What may you do?
Well if the roles were reversed and you did that be it legitimate or not, I'd crumple both you and the new guy up by booting you the hell out, turning you off, etc.
I see people walking owed money in this industry all the time. Try doing that and staying with the same provider though with a legit new owner or other. That should be entertaining watching them prune you.
Something like this would be debt that needs addressed.
Think about it folks, what products do you see GVH noise promoting? They don't own those. The folks that do, if you owe them they might, oh, I don't know, take those customers or something, like they should. New owner could run off to another DC, would need to find one with real cheap dedi rentals, and would drop 50%+ of those customers due to move.