In Jon's defense, he posted this in the IRC earlier on...
drmike according to the screenshot, he said he is Agnostic, not Atheist.
I wouldn't buy into his crap though. As Aldryic says - 'everything he says, by default, is a lie'.
Well, I wasn't going to share what he said to me privately but if he's shared it with you, then yes, I can confirm that is what was said.
Saturday, December 27th, 2014
6:57 PM <gvhJon> MannDude
6:57 PM <gvhJon> Curtis
6:58 PM <gvhJon> Just FYI -- Thread on vpsBoard and Chad's story was a bunch of BS
6:58 PM <gvhJon> REAL STORY here ..
6:58 PM <gvhJon> 1. Chad registered as a GVH client
6:58 PM <gvhJon> 2. We talked on Skype, I decided that GVH could use some extra help and sort of 'hired' him as you could say
6:58 PM <gvhJon> 3. He was doing *some* work here and there with tickets and node maintenance and such in return for free VMs, in moderation
6:59 PM <gvhJon> 4. I notice that he's been creating large VMs on our newest Amsterdam node node which we pay a shit ton of money for, and tell him those are important resources
6:59 PM <gvhJon> 5. He tells me he understands and won't take many resources (At that point he wasn't doing much if ANY work at all to justify even a FEW VMs)
7:00 PM <gvhJon> 6. Later on I find out he's creating like 3-4 Amsterdam VMs, using like 20+ Amsterdam IPs in total, and like 1000GB+ disk space allocated and I get PISSED
7:00 PM <gvhJon> 7. I terminated his Amsterdam VMs, not knowing that they were THAT important to him
7:01 PM <gvhJon> 8. He logs off a bit after saying some stuff to me, and then later on I find out he disputed payments to GVH in the amount of around $150 total for TWO dedicated server hosting services he's already received
7:01 PM <gvhJon> 9. The REST of his VMs were terminated including his primary VMs that he used for hosting his clients as a result of his dispute
7:01 PM <gvhJon> But int he middle of #7 and #8, all of his credentials were removed and the passwords he had were changed
7:02 PM <gvhJon> Some stuff on the side about alcohol .. he's trying to make me out to be an alcoholic after I asked him about a mixed drink ONCE?
7:03 PM <gvhJon> Sure, okay, I've had a few drinks .. and have been drunk like .. twice .. but I refrain from doing any GVH related work while intoxicated
7:03 PM <gvhJon> And I have NEVER, EVER talked to Chad while under the influence, EVER .. so I have no idea what that "Talking and dealing with a drunk kid" is all about
7:03 PM <gvhJon> So hopefully now you know the ACTUAL story
7:03 PM <gvhJon> Thanks
7:03 PM <gvhJon> - Jonny
7:05 PM <gvhJon> Also some other misc things I'm reading that I'd like to clear up ..
7:05 PM <gvhJon> 1. I'm not really religious. I'm actually agnostic.
7:06 PM <gvhJon> 2. We hardly ever have staff quit .. the last staff member that quit in the past few months was Kaushal
7:06 PM <gvhJon> 3. The Indians were here for an interim period and were fired
7:07 PM <gvhJon> 4. A NODE was suspended each month due to non-payment, that node was ATL1, one of our Atlanta nodes. And yes, a ticket was all that was needed.
7:08 PM <gvhJon> 5. Chad's actions legally fit the definition for "fraud" due to his disputed payments against our company. And he signed a non disclosure agreement which was VIOLATED -- and we have his ACTUAL signature signed and SCANNED! So ANY legal action he takes against us will be responded to with a COUNTER LAWSUIT.
7:09 PM <gvhJon> Our company has legal advisers and lawyers on the ready.
And sorry Jon, you had started messaging me like 3 minutes after I settled down for a nap so I didn't respond.