
Greenvaluehost hacked, customer details exposed to public including customer photo IDs


VPS Peddler
Verified Provider
 This is when I attempted to contact Jonny and speak to him hand and hand about getting the issues I was having resolved. I was provided access to the nodes he provided me. I found all the abusers and suspended their VPS after confirmation to do so from Jonny. My servers began to run flawlessly again.
Interesting, GVH allows random clients to up and log into the host nodes to fix abuse. Fun....


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
In this thread, somebody previously believed as dead and called 'Pantoric_Chad', claims that Jon has a severe problem with alcohol:


Would explain some things even though the whole thread is completely hilarious and you have to be drunk or stoned yourself to believe it.

I thought Jon was ultra religious? Has this industry turned him into a Satan worshipping drunk already? :p

I'll read the thread in more details soon but find it odd he's telling people he's drinking/getting drunk. My bet is he knows that some people are into that and just saying he is doing that to be relatable... but maybe he's a 17 year old drunk now, I don't know. <shrugs>


Bad Goy
Ah, crap, I was about to read page number two, but then the Cluster™ kicked in and said "no, no!"  :( 

Why I couldn't have foreseen this situation is incredible. I should have opened up all three pages in advance...


...and now the Cluster™ has decided to make it available, again. Aww  :wub: 

In this thread, somebody previously believed as dead and called 'Pantoric_Chad', claims that Jon has a severe problem with alcohol:


Would explain some things even though the whole thread is completely hilarious and you have to be drunk or stoned yourself to believe it.
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Verified Provider

I couldn't take it another second.  I wrote the guy and offered to help get him back on his feet for a little while. That post broke my heart for some reason.  Doesn't even sound like he had a chance to really get started before Jon screwed him over. Regardless of what brought them together, there's a point where it has to stop being about premium this, number one that, double the RAM and add bacon... and more about being a decent human being.... even if it means shaking up normal procedure. Even if nothing becomes of it, why not keep some old school traditions alive? It's obvious that Jon is unbalanced, and GVH has no chance of ever bouncing back completely. Let's end this crap, heal the wounded, and... add bacon.

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100% Tier-1 Gogent
I thought Jon was ultra religious? Has this industry turned him into a Satan worshipping drunk already? :p

I'll read the thread in more details soon but find it odd he's telling people he's drinking/getting drunk. My bet is he knows that some people are into that and just saying he is doing that to be relatable... but maybe he's a 17 year old drunk now, I don't know. <shrugs>
That @Amitz quote about the lad being a drunk - it's Off Topic hid... what am I missing there?

Jonny is an atheist I do believe.  Not religious whatsoever.

21 is the drinking age these days in all 50 States.  Think the feds tied such mandate to highway funding.  Don't want 21 but younger age, no slush money for you.


I couldn't take it another second.  I wrote the guy and offered to help get him back on his feet for a little while. That post broke my heart for some reason.  Doesn't even sound like he had a chance to really get started before Jon screwed him over. 
What exactly happened or allegedly happened there between GVH and his former client?

Best thing Jonny could do unplug and go spank his hamster in a corner, and decide to spend next month being a schoolboy like that.  Hosting folks stuff, collecting identity documents from people, selling things that aren't what you are selling, etc.  it's not creative destruction, it's fraud, lies and doing whatever it takes to divide people from their dollars for the benefit of GVH, their owners and CC.

Hell if I were GVH's upstream he would have been booted long ago.  But in CC land, he's just one of the cool kids fucking people over and laughing about bank he's making, and so are they by doing business with him.  So long as he keeps sending them those dedicated server sales, they give a shit less about anything, especially the carnage that lays in his wake.  What do I expect from the house brands in Buffalo?  You aren't a hipster til you exploit child labor, talk shitty to some folks in India "working for you", and get hacked / exposed / dumped a few times.  He has graduated to full blown insane and absent something new happening that flattens his tires, sits him in a chair and forces him to stop it... well... he has de facto license to do whatever he wants no matter how destructive.

Me, I'd bail the fark out and go flip some burgers and cut some lawns and learn the value of honest work.  Maybe after such he'll appreciate people, stop damaging other humans and be successful for the right reasons.


Dormant VPSB Pathogen
That Amitz quote about the lad being a drunk - it's Off Topic hid... what am I missing there?
The post that is relevant to this thread was copied here since LET hid it:

my tl;dr: GVH once again giving admin/node access to people (in this case one of their customers/resellers) without proper screening...nothing new.  There are also allegations that GVH was frequently late paying its HVH invoices, and that  they're outsourcing support from India..
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Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
Brew some tea and light some candles if you plan to read that novel.


  • Was a GVH reseller.
  • Jonny gave him further discounts to earn his business over his already stupid prices.
  • After complaining about service performance due to abusers on node, Jonny gives this customer of his access to his WHMCS, SolusVM, and apparently HVH helpdesk?
  • He was now handling abuse and support for Jonny in return for free services that he used to sell services to his customers.
  • Jonny likes to get drunk or pretend to be drunk on Skype.
  • Nodes would be suspended each month because Jonny wasn't paying his server invoices on time with HVH. But luckily a ticket asking for it to be reinstated without payment is all that is needed.
  • Gets new node in Amsterdam, Jonny doesn't like that he deploys a VPS on it despite working for free/in-exchange for service. Probably because Amsterdam isn't CC and costs him something. Lets the dude use it regardless though.
  • Supposedly this tech/free-worker contacted Jonny to get node details of a node that was running out of disk space, Jonny instead terminated his VPSes(?)
  • He suspects Jonny didn't "need him" anymore, which is why his VPSes were terminated. (I should note that Jonny was in IRC the other day bragging about his new Indian team before promptly being kicked out of IRC again)
  • The dude was upset, crawled in ball, cried, shut off computer and 'ran'. Did grant refunds to upset clients though, which is admirable.
  • Supposedly his Skype account was hijacked and word was spread that he had died.
  • Dude didn't have backups and relied on having his service supported by his help assisting GVH in return for free service. With terminated services, he lost everything.
  • Supposedly in talks with legal advisor in regards to GVH's actions.

Did I miss anything?
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Verified Provider
Brew some tea and light some candles if you plan to read that novel.


  • Was a GVH reseller.
  • Jonny gave him further discounts to earn his business over his already stupid prices.
  • After complaining about service performance due to abusers on node, Jonny gives this customer of his access to his WHMCS, SolusVM, and apparently HVH helpdesk?
  • He was now handling abuse and support for Jonny in return for free services that he used to sell services to his customers.
  • Jonny likes to get drunk or pretend to be drunk on Skype.
  • Nodes would be suspended each month because Jonny wasn't paying his server invoices on time with HVH. But luckily a ticket asking for it to be reinstated without payment is all that is needed.
  • Gets new node in Amsterdam, Jonny doesn't like that he deploys a VPS on it despite working for free/in-exchange for service. Probably because Amsterdam isn't CC and costs him something. Lets the dude use it regardless though.
  • Supposedly this tech/free-worker contacted Jonny to get node details of a node that was running out of disk space, Jonny instead terminated his VPSes(?)
  • He suspects Jonny didn't "need him" anymore, which is why his VPSes were terminated. (I should note that Jonny was in IRC the other day bragging about his new Indian team before promptly being kicked out of IRC again)
  • The dude was upset, crawled in ball, cried, shut off computer and 'ran'. Did grant refunds to upset clients though, which is admirable.
  • Supposedly his Skype account was hijacked and word was spread that he had died.
  • Dude didn't have backups and relied on having his service supported by his help assisting GVH in return for free service. With terminated services, he lost everything.
  • Supposedly in talks with legal advisor in regards to GVH's actions.
Do you want a job? I need someone succinct and STTP in support tickets as I'm told I occasionally talk too much. :p

What exactly happened or allegedly happened there between GVH and his former client?
He was screwed over like so many others, really.... not sure why there weren't any backups?

I'm going to choose to believe it was a set of circumstances that could only happen to Jon since ... let's face it, you can't make this stuff up....
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Dormant VPSB Pathogen
not sure why there weren't any backups?

This might help you understand, a Harris Interactive poll on how often computer owners do backups, broken down by age, income, education,  and frequency of backups

9% of people backup daily

33% of people backup monthly

the 18-44 year old age range is the worst when it comes to backing things up, and surprisingly the 55+ age group is the best

...and close to 1/3 of people have never backed up anything
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New Member
In Jon's defense, he posted this in the IRC earlier on...

@drmike according to the screenshot, he said he is Agnostic, not Atheist.

I wouldn't buy into his crap though. As Aldryic says - 'everything he says, by default, is a lie'.
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Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
In Jon's defense, he posted this in the IRC earlier on...

@drmike according to the screenshot, he said he is Agnostic, not Atheist.

I wouldn't buy into his crap though. As Aldryic says - 'everything he says, by default, is a lie'.
Well, I wasn't going to share what he said to me privately but if he's shared it with you, then yes, I can confirm that is what was said.

Saturday, December 27th, 2014
6:57 PM <gvhJon> MannDude
6:57 PM <gvhJon> Curtis
6:58 PM <gvhJon> Just FYI -- Thread on vpsBoard and Chad's story was a bunch of BS
6:58 PM <gvhJon> REAL STORY here ..
6:58 PM <gvhJon> 1. Chad registered as a GVH client
6:58 PM <gvhJon> 2. We talked on Skype, I decided that GVH could use some extra help and sort of 'hired' him as you could say
6:58 PM <gvhJon> 3. He was doing *some* work here and there with tickets and node maintenance and such in return for free VMs, in moderation
6:59 PM <gvhJon> 4. I notice that he's been creating large VMs on our newest Amsterdam node node which we pay a shit ton of money for, and tell him those are important resources
6:59 PM <gvhJon> 5. He tells me he understands and won't take many resources (At that point he wasn't doing much if ANY work at all to justify even a FEW VMs)
7:00 PM <gvhJon> 6. Later on I find out he's creating like 3-4 Amsterdam VMs, using like 20+ Amsterdam IPs in total, and like 1000GB+ disk space allocated and I get PISSED
7:00 PM <gvhJon> 7. I terminated his Amsterdam VMs, not knowing that they were THAT important to him
7:01 PM <gvhJon> 8. He logs off a bit after saying some stuff to me, and then later on I find out he disputed payments to GVH in the amount of around $150 total for TWO dedicated server hosting services he's already received
7:01 PM <gvhJon> 9. The REST of his VMs were terminated including his primary VMs that he used for hosting his clients as a result of his dispute
7:01 PM <gvhJon> But int he middle of #7 and #8, all of his credentials were removed and the passwords he had were changed
7:02 PM <gvhJon> Some stuff on the side about alcohol .. he's trying to make me out to be an alcoholic after I asked him about a mixed drink ONCE?
7:03 PM <gvhJon> Sure, okay, I've had a few drinks .. and have been drunk like .. twice .. but I refrain from doing any GVH related work while intoxicated
7:03 PM <gvhJon> And I have NEVER, EVER talked to Chad while under the influence, EVER .. so I have no idea what that "Talking and dealing with a drunk kid" is all about
7:03 PM <gvhJon> So hopefully now you know the ACTUAL story
7:03 PM <gvhJon> Thanks
7:03 PM <gvhJon> - Jonny
7:05 PM <gvhJon> Also some other misc things I'm reading that I'd like to clear up ..
7:05 PM <gvhJon> 1. I'm not really religious. I'm actually agnostic.
7:06 PM <gvhJon> 2. We hardly ever have staff quit .. the last staff member that quit in the past few months was Kaushal
7:06 PM <gvhJon> 3. The Indians were here for an interim period and were fired
7:07 PM <gvhJon> 4. A NODE was suspended each month due to non-payment, that node was ATL1, one of our Atlanta nodes. And yes, a ticket was all that was needed.
7:08 PM <gvhJon> 5. Chad's actions legally fit the definition for "fraud" due to his disputed payments against our company. And he signed a non disclosure agreement which was VIOLATED -- and we have his ACTUAL signature signed and SCANNED! So ANY legal action he takes against us will be responded to with a COUNTER LAWSUIT.
7:09 PM <gvhJon> Our company has legal advisers and lawyers on the ready.

And sorry Jon, you had started messaging me like 3 minutes after I settled down for a nap so I didn't respond.


Dormant VPSB Pathogen
Our company has legal advisers and lawyers on the ready.
FedEx Office must have raised the hourly pay for part-timers like CEO Lance.

I wasn't going to mention the drinking because GVH's "hiring" of yet another poorly vetted contractor ("Chad")  was the main event in both Chad's LET novel and Jon's IRC rebuttal, but...

VPSB 5/1/14 GVH_Jon "I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't do drugs, I don't smash bottles in parking lots ..."

IRC 12/27/14 GVHJon "Sure, okay, I've had a few drinks .. and have been drunk like .. twice .. but I refrain from doing any GVH related work while intoxicated"

IRC 12/27/14 (courtesy of

     20:54:57 < JonnyGVH> xxxx I'm honestly not that bad, I just like to mess around sometimes when it's late at night

    20:56:19 < JonnyGVH> I'm happy when I'm drunk.

    20:56:32 < JonnyGVH> Most people are.

Hopefully in upcoming sessions his counselor will address the habitual lying problem...
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Verified Provider
Okay, I acknowledge my earlier remark was in haste. After tonight, I possess a greater understanding of how he brings it on himself. I find it interesting that 30 minutes earlier, the "fake" Jon spelled my full name perfectly, and wasn't until after he realized who he was calling out that he suddenly wasn't the real Jon.  Uh huh.  At least I'll always have a little reminder of the day I rendered him speechless. I'm not a vengeful person, but I had no idea how therapeutic it was.   


I stand corrected.
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
Brew some tea and light some candles if you plan to read that novel.


  • Was a GVH reseller.
  • Jonny gave him further discounts to earn his business over his already stupid prices.
  • After complaining about service performance due to abusers on node, Jonny gives this customer of his access to his WHMCS, SolusVM, and apparently HVH helpdesk?
  • He was now handling abuse and support for Jonny in return for free services that he used to sell services to his customers.
  • Jonny likes to get drunk or pretend to be drunk on Skype.
  • Nodes would be suspended each month because Jonny wasn't paying his server invoices on time with HVH. But luckily a ticket asking for it to be reinstated without payment is all that is needed.
  • Gets new node in Amsterdam, Jonny doesn't like that he deploys a VPS on it despite working for free/in-exchange for service. Probably because Amsterdam isn't CC and costs him something. Lets the dude use it regardless though.
  • Supposedly this tech/free-worker contacted Jonny to get node details of a node that was running out of disk space, Jonny instead terminated his VPSes(?)
  • He suspects Jonny didn't "need him" anymore, which is why his VPSes were terminated. (I should note that Jonny was in IRC the other day bragging about his new Indian team before promptly being kicked out of IRC again)
  • The dude was upset, crawled in ball, cried, shut off computer and 'ran'. Did grant refunds to upset clients though, which is admirable.
  • Supposedly his Skype account was hijacked and word was spread that he had died.
  • Dude didn't have backups and relied on having his service supported by his help assisting GVH in return for free service. With terminated services, he lost everything.
  • Supposedly in talks with legal advisor in regards to GVH's actions.

Did I miss anything?
Holy fnck.   That's horrendous.

As always, when your labor/employees/helpers etc. accept to work close to nothing or literally nothing, one should see the writing on the wall.  They are either there to undermine you, take you "trade secrets" or up to something else usually sinister.   A few of them want to actually learn and get relative experience.  But the racking up experience part, you don't get that in a place like GVH where every day is drama and stuff on fire, and where ownership isn't capable of teaching ins and outs of operating such a business (beyond drama creation, public self punting and how to right unsustainable sales stuff).

It's like saying firefighters shouldn't need training because they get it through experience on the next structure fire call.  But we all know firefighters do tons of training and respond to calls.

I am far from the first person to give Jonny input, be civil and try to direct the lad here and there to better behavior and choices.  Very disappointing and that's wholly ignoring the practices of random asshole skids and other retards up in systems as root and in all sorts of other stuff like billing where customer details are.  That is just unforgivable in my mind.

For real Jonny ---> Sell / hand off / trade your VPS customers  to ChicagoVPS / CC / shell companies INC. and run fast and far from this industry before someone actually does something legal for a change and sinks you in hot water.


Active Member
Verified Provider
Lots of interesting reads here. I don't know when he is going to understand that he is not going to get anywhere with all of this. 

Hopefully he doesn't do anything stupid...

- Daniel :)