I'm for the Know your Provider forum... I'd be willing to post a lot of information of my company... Just not too much that would give people ways to mess with us, but stuff like upper management team, owners, registered business or not and stuff like that... Even a write up on who we are... Not a lot of providers want to post that because who they are may be kids or summer hosts. We're not a summer host and we're a registered business in Louisiana. So, I don't see why a lot of providers wouldn't want to show their status to the community. I'm for the "Premium" subscriptions as well, just don't make it too pricey and it might be a good idea to allow "teams" with one team type payment. Like, me and Brian and Brad will be here eventually...
Either way, I think the forum is awesome as it is.. I like the donation option.
I like the auction type stuff as well. I'd provide some VPS accounts to vpsBoard to help out.
I tried to send a message to you MannDude on Skype about this as i'd like to be the first provider to do so.
I also think a good thing to do would be to not focus so much on the larger providers but try and help the smaller, struggling ones. LEB could of done it, but they chose to stick to others.
Make a forum dedicated to offers that are submitted that the moderators review and rate. Have a team of like 3 people review a offer, then post their results. Not sure how well that would work out, but it could keep some of the Summer Hosts out of the mix. I think people here trust the community leaders so I think it would be a good idea... Don't get too much like LEB though...
Make a poll of the ones you'd like the most and let users rate them. I think that would be the best way. Just take like lets say the top 5 features and let everyone rate them and then add the top 3.
Might be a good idea... Sorry about the rambling

the TV got my attention but my fingers didn't stop... lol