He got in trouble for putting pepper on the dishes when other girls were cleaning them because he "thought it looked pretty". He also was throwing bread in the air along with other general shenanigans. I feel bad for the girls around him.
Must be some Asian wedding ritual or shaman fertility curse thing. Doesn't work here in America. Take that shit back to your homeland. White people in NH are like WTF?
Everybody these days has some 'disorder' or 'mental illness' being used as a crutch by the lazy and weak. The only thing wrong with this kid is a severe lack of discipline in his upbringing. The best thing that could happen to Jon is some disgruntled customer beating him bloody.
I am known for coming from the old school. I call stupid behavior folks fucking retards routinely and I give ZERO fucks about people's tissue paper asses with their PC bits. What are they going to do? Bow up and get spanked, most likely. Probably will file a mean person paper against me. Big damn deal. Proud to have free speech and piss off or get pissed on.
Zero love for the mental health babyshit grown ass tough guys toss around to avoid their well earned ass kicking. It's just as bad as folks ratting out everyone and everything to avoid the same well earned punishment. Acting like a g-d damn little bitch with that behavior.
Been on the see saw about what is wrong in this kid. He's fucking mental. Really he is. Not one little tendency but multiple if not a basket of things. Unsure where his issues stop and his intentions start. I've known people out there legitimately - certified - and Jonny makes them look normal.
Jonny needs real mental help and hopefully gets such. Would be a crime to ignore this by the Courts and folks involved and allow him to continue onward as a fractured person making poor decisions due to such mental issues. Histrionic personality disorder he seems to fit spot on (just my know-nothing lay folk opinion). Schizophrenia may apply...
His parents. His parents. His parents. They need to deal with the human they created physically, emotionally, mentally. As we all know, utterly absent during all his stunts and afterwards no real action responsible parents would have taken (like breaking his phones / burning them and disconnecting him from the internet for months). He's been on auto pilot with questionable parenting since at least age of 13-14.