I would kill for $10/amp.
$10/A isn't too bad

Perhaps low these days actually. Let's see:
1A = 120 watts
120 watts x 720 hours in a month = 86400
86400 / 1000 (1000 watts in 1KwH) = 86.4 KwH
So 87 KwH per Amp @ 120v power.
$10 / 87 KwH = 0.1149
or 11.49 cents per KwH
Long informal number is electric has corresponding cooling load and other electric uses ---
11.49 / 2 (to halve it) = 5.74 cents per KwH
EIA shows average end customer for Industrial use in North Carolina at 6.11 cents per KwH (March 2013).
Ummm, what else, usually facilities don't allow you to use 100% of the power right? Buy one 120V Amp and they want not 120 watt constant draw but more like 100 watts, right?
Dacentec also runs a "green" datacenter, so imagine that means cooling costs are the major reduction in use.