123systems@mtwiscool - Who provides the paid VPS?
Well you should still appreciate the issues it will cause, the first thing people noticed was the difference in disk space, people won't pay you for less of any of the 3 main resources.as the paid one is done by another provider so we don't have good control over what they offer.
we just have full control over the free vps.
A 404 page would be simpler still.It is a website but I'm trying to keep it simple
Otherwise known as summer host.Now 123systems is experiencing a typical outage. You just received 8 support tickets about a node you can't control. As usual, they don't respond to support tickets. You just got 2 paypal chargebacks. Your free node is still as good as down. Your datacenter is about to terminate your service.
This has been a realistic role playing scenario in the life of a bad vps provider. You ready for this?