+ 1 to Vancouver, BC and all the area around it. This city is 100% lovely in summer. And I can tell that there are not so many places in the world where you can be on the top of a very high mountain covered with snow now, and then boom.. 15 minutes later you're are already swimming in the warm sea. The city for itself is interesting too: Downtown of Vancouver has a lot of historical buildings, great nightlife and authentic cuisine from around the world.
This winter we choose Spain for third time. I think the combination of sea, great weather, tasty food, affordable prices, nature, history and a great variety of transportation routes through the whole county is what made this country one of the top tourist destinations. And everyone can choose the type of vacation, which he or she need - the lazy or active one)
And since I live near it I want to promote lake Baikal

It's the deepest lake in the world, the water is crystal clear, no people around you. There is no infrastructure, only a few camping places. But living there just for a week or two doing nothing just enjoying the view gives you energy to work for an entire year. Baikal is great in Summer, but in late winter it is just ...amazing!
So if someone will have an opportunity to visit Baikal then write me for the tips.