Didn't realize there's an intro thread! Guess I'll toss my name in here too. My name is Amy, and I have very little experience with tech in general other than some self-taught html/css back when static html sites were all the rage. My background/passion has always been healthcare, though I'm currently unemployed and looking for that elusive first job as a fresh graduate.
I originally wanted to get myself a VPS to start up a little website or use it for file storage, but then I grew interested in learning my way around the backend with SSH and installing my own scripts etc. I stumbled across WHT first because that forum kept popping up in my searches for a good host - I've had previous experiences with shared hosting that I later found out were EIG companies and definitely explained the shitty times I had with them - and it was through there that I started learning more about other types of hosting and what might be good for me. Managed VPS plans sounded like a great choice but the price tag was just too prohibitive when I know I won't really be doing much with it-- or rather, I don't even know what I want to do with it quite yet. I also kept reading warnings about how newbies should stay away from getting unmanaged VPSes, but at the same time the cost was so much lower in comparison. So I figured, what the hell; I'll take the plunge off the deep end and hope for the best.
At the same time, I'm the type that likes to research and learn more about things so I started lurking around WHT more, reading a lot of the threads and just familiarizing myself with this new environment, learning the alien jargon, taking note of familiar names and who to steer clear from. It was through there (probably from a VPS rec thread or a negative review thread) that I found out about LEB and signed up for my first VPS, and somewhere around that same time I learned about VPSBoard and started following this place too.
TL;DR: I know next to nothing about tech, came for the cheap VPS deals, stayed for the learning (...and drama).